Chapter 15

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“Where are you going?” Ethan asked hurriedly, straightening up on the couch.

“I have a salon appointment in twenty minutes. Why? Is the house on fire?” June teased.

Ethan stared at her for a moment. Now would be the responsible time to tell her that Ari was coming over, but… “No, nothing. I was just wondering,” Ethan muttered, going back to watching TV.

“I’ll get us some dinner on the way home, okay? Does Thai food sound okay?” She asked, hugging him around the shoulders from the other side of the couch.

“Yeah, fine,” Ethan answered distractedly.

She huffed and grumbled something about the TV before she was out the door. Ethan played around with his cell phone. Did he tell Ari that his mom wouldn’t be home? They hadn’t actually been alone together in a while. They’d only done it once before, even.

Would it be different now that he knew it was Ari?

He decided to wait it out, and Ari showed up on his own about thirty minutes later. He hung awkwardly at the door. “Your mom is usually hounding me by now,” he pointed out.

“She left for some hair thing a little bit ago… and that usually takes a couple of hours,” Ethan explained, shifting on his feet.

“Oh,” Ari mumbled, sweeping all of his hair over one shoulder. “That’s… what do you want to do then? I was going to suggest we go out somewhere, but…” He left the rest of their options open.

“I don’t know,” Ethan responded stupidly. Was it out of bounds to suggest something? He hesitated. “I mean, we could go upstairs. To my room. You know.”

Ari laughed and ruffled his hair. “Relax,” he said, leaning in and taking Ethan in for a kiss.

Ethan responded eagerly, hoping Ari got enough of the message then. “Upstairs we go, then,” Ari said against Ethan’s lips.

He dragged Ethan up and into Ethan’s bedroom, where they picked up on the kissing again. It started out slow enough until hands got involved. Ari took off both of their shirts and tackled Ethan down onto the bed. Ethan wrapped his arms around Ari’s shoulders, basking in the warmth that he’d almost forgotten about. He liked the feeling.

Ari’s hands were much more keen on exploring, brushing gently over Ethan’s sides and almost making him burst out in a ticklish fit. He held it in though, and Ari’s touches moved on. Ari kissed down Ethan’s neck and shoulder while his fingers began to twist at Ethan’s nipples.

That was a little different than Ethan had been expecting—it was uncomfortable at first, but then each little twinge in his nipples was sending a shiver down his back. He testily tried doing the same thing back to Ari; slipping a hand between them and finding one of Ari’s nipples.

He started rubbing it until it got hard enough for him to get a hold on. Ari rocked against him with a slight groan, kissing him again. Ethan used his other hand to do the same thing on the other side, pinching them gently between his fingers. He was too distracted to remember to anything else with his hands but hold on.

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