Chapter 5

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Ethan kept his eyes on his feet for the most part. On occasion he would scan quickly over the other people before returning to his feet. He felt so out of place. Brent had been keeping a close eye on Ethan for the most part, offering him the occasional beer or asking if he was having a good time.

It made it very difficult for sneaking off to a place where he could be blind folded non-suspiciously. That was a weird thing to worry about, Ethan realized, and chuckled to himself. Eventually he was able to sneak away, figuring the upstairs bathroom was his best bet again. He paused when he got a text message, Keep your eyes closed.

Ethan pocketed his phone and closed his eyes. He felt a hand dust over his back briefly. “Wait here a sec, let me find a place,” the voice said into his ear.

Ethan nodded and just hoped that went fast. He had to look weird just standing there with his eyes closed. Best case scenario, someone would think he was stoned. A minute later a hand grabbed his and led him down the hall. He heard a door close behind him and the click of a lock.

“Blindfold?” he offered.

“Yeah,” Ethan confirmed. “And then I want a hug.”

“alright,” he chuckled, wrapping something over Ethan’s eyes. “Anything else?”

“It has to be a long hug,” Ethan added, pausing. “Is this a new blindfold?”

“Well it’s an actual blind fold, if that’s what you mean. I’ve noticed shirts have started to magically disappear when I use those and send you off,” the voice teased.

“Oh,” Ethan frowned. “I think I have one under my bed, from the first time. Do you want it back?”

“It’s fine,” he laughed again, wrapping arms around Ethan’s shoulders and pulling him in.

Ethan gratefully melded into the touch, feeling his body relax and his heart slow slightly. He didn’t think he had been quite that on edge downstairs, but now that the feeling was gone, he realized how bad it had been. Owning up to Ethan’s request, it was a long hug.

He could have happily stayed like that forever, but the erection pressing against his stomach reminded him otherwise. Ethan felt a kiss on the top of his head, then his forehead, before the lips moved down to his mouth. Ethan returned the kiss eagerly, darting his tongue out. The motion was returned, and His tongue invaded Ethan’s mouth and taking over completely.

Ethan’s heart jumped when he was lifted off the ground again, only to be tossed back onto the bed a moment later. Ethan waited blindly for a sense of space again, and felt the bed dip on either side of him. He started his hands there, feeling strong thighs, and ran his hands up over the jean clad legs. At the hips the jeans disappeared, and Ethan realized He was already shirtless.

They shared another long kiss as hands slid up under Ethan’s shirt and slowly pushed it up. The kiss broke while Ethan was helped from his shirt, and next His lips landed on Ethan’s neck. Ethan shivered and arched up into the other body, trying to get more touch. The mouth bit and sucked at his neck and slowly worked downwards, over Ethan’s chest.

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