Chapter 10

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Ethan finished another lap on the track and stopped to nurse his water bottle. He watched the on-going football practice for a few minutes, picking out Brent and Ari amongst the team. Ethan didn’t really know the rest of them. He waited until he got his breathing under control again and went back to the starting line on the track.

He had to push down some of the anxiety then—the feeling like they were probably all watching him. He had to remind himself they were busy and weren’t really that interested in what he was doing. With that he took off, trying to work on some of the pacing Brent had been trying to teach him.

So far it was day three of his working out after school. Landon had recommended some good running music that Ethan had put on his iPod. It wasn’t what he normally would have listened to, but it was good for keeping him motivated.

He was reaching the end of his third lap then, and was only planning on doing one more. Running a mile was slowly getting easier each time he did it. He got to his water bottle at the end and took another breather. He glanced towards the practice again and noticed the coach watching him.

Brent jogged over then. “Hey, Ethan,” he began. “So we’re actually short a person today.”

“I don’t know how to play football,” Ethan muttered sourly. He didn’t want to join their practice.

“You just have to run,” Brent pleaded. “I’ll tell you where you need to go and everything. And then just like in flag football, try not to get caught.”

“Why me?” Ethan complained out of habit.

“Because I may or may not have volunteered you while you were running the track,” Brent said, smiling. “It’s not like you’re some random kid, so…”

Ethan sighed and took another gulp of water. “Fine, I guess.”

“Great!” Brent grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the practice. “Ethan needs to be on my team so I can tell him what to do,” Brent announced.

“Yeah, whatever. Alright, offense versus defense, let’s go. Skins and shirts,” the coach said before a short blow of the whistle.

Ethan glanced around frantically. Skins again? He prayed to be on the shirts team. “Okay so really, you’re just filling in for a wide receiver on offense,” Brent began to explain. “You’re going to be standing out on the very far right. There won’t be anyone from defense in front of you so you don’t need to worry about that. When the ball goes into play, just run straight.”

“You won’t throw the ball to me, right?” Ethan questioned dubiously. Flag football was one thing, but this was actual tackle. He glanced nervously towards Ari and made awkward eye contact. Well that couldn’t be good.

“I’ll try not to, but if you’re the only one open, then…” Brent shrugged. “But just get across the end line okay? They won’t hit you too hard if it comes up. It’s just practice.”

That still wasn’t very appealing. Ethan went with it though and let Brent show him where to stand. Ethan waited for the whole play to start before breaking off into a run down the field. He looked back just in time to see the football spiraling at him anyways.

He had to stop on his feet to catch it, cradling against his chest. There wasn’t anyone near him so he just started running again, going with it until he was across the white line. He stopped then only as some of the defensive players were close to him. Brent followed them up, laughing.

“I thought you weren’t throwing to me,” Ethan griped.

“I said I would if you were open. And there was like no one near you, so you were the safest bet.” Brent shrugged and took the ball back. “It’s all good though.”

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