Chapter 3

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Ethan shifted awkwardly, meeting Brent’s eyes nervously. “What?”

“I need you to be my partner today,” Brent repeated, raising a curious eyebrow. “Since you’re usually alone, and Ari isn’t here today.”

“Okay,” Ethan agreed with a shrug.

Ethan was already feeling slightly awkward, but this was Brent. Object of his locker room masturbation for the few weeks they had been in school. Ethan squirmed at getting too close, already feeling his cock jump in his shorts. He hated being so horny sometimes.

Maybe in some twisted turn it would be Brent who was Ethan’s Unknown guy. Ethan did a long once-over from behind as he followed Brent from the locker room to the weight room. Maybe? He was muscular, but he seemed maybe a little bit thinner…

Ethan huffed sourly. Not that he could tell by looking really, he only knew how the guy felt. And only a little bit. The guy probably knew Ethan’s body better than Ethan knew about the other. He was more hands on than Ethan was, since Ethan was too timid to really do anything.


Ethan averted his attention to Brent’s hands as he opened the door. Ethan could maybe get something from his hands. It wasn’t really weird to touch another guy’s hands if they were exchanging weights or something, right?

Ethan sighed to himself and shook his head. He really needed to get his mind to calm the f*ck down, or he’d have a hard-on the whole class, and Brent would see it at some point.

Brent went for the bench press, insisting that Ethan spot him. Ethan stared off at the wall the whole time, trying to look anywhere but Brent. His eyes shifted onto Brent’s hands, wondering if they would have the right feel, the right strength, the right size.

Not that Brent’s head was right next to his crotch either. Ethan swore to himself and tried to do math in his head. Brent did his reps and offered to switch with Ethan. Ethan took off some of the discs and slid onto the bench, now trying to ignore how close he now was to Brent’s crotch.

Ethan tried to focus on his reps with the bench press, feeling fatigue set into his arms quickly. Other than some of the training they had gotten, he hadn’t been on the bench press. He didn’t have a partner to spot him, and he was too afraid to approach anyone else.

He struggled through ten and retreated to his safety of the leg press and other machines that didn’t require so much spotting. Brent seemed a little put off and started working with dumbbells in front of the mirror. Ethan kept his eyes on his feet the whole time, his legs already well adjusted to spending the rest of the period on the leg press.

They were let out to the locker rooms slightly early, and again came Ethan’s usual dilemma. He was partially hard, but that would be different once he got into the locker room and saw enough skin.

He jumped when he felt a hand clap over his shoulder, and Brent pop up from behind. “Thanks for spotting me,” he said with a wide grin. And his hand was gone.

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