Chapter 2

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'Babe, its your birthday!' Roma woke up with Kian singing to her, on her 21st birthday.
'Thank you, for waking me up like this'. She squealed as Kian kissed her on the lips.

' Every princess deserves to be treated like a queen on they're birthday'. Kian said.

It was perfect, it was going to be a perfect day, she thought laying there whilst Kian laid on her chest. Roma closed her eyes like Kian had instructed her too and she felt something soft in her hands and then she heard this bark, opening her eyes she saw this brown and black sausage dog curled up in her arms. She was overwhelmed by it and she was going to call it Presley. After Elvis Presley.

It was time for Roma's party, it was her 21st so she was going to party all night long.  She had never been so excited about something in her life when she received a text from Kian:
Kian: Sorry babe but I can't make your party tonight, I have to get up early the next morning for a meeting which could turn into a two week tour.

What a dick , I thought to myself. Why is he being like this. I was there for his 21st and i wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Me: Wtf Kian, this has to be a joke!!? It's my 21st you can't miss it. You just now how to ruin everything for me don't you!!

Kian: Sorry baby , I can make it up to you when I get back from tour. I love you and party hard tonight for me.

Fuck him! If he thinks he can treat me like then he has another thing coming.

Anyways, as the night went on I got drunker and drunker, I was trying to get rid of the pain of Kian not being here. Although, I was confident and It occurred to me that I could go speak to anyone I wanted and that I did.

I was searching for someone good. Until, I came across this piece of artwork he was covered head to foot in tattoos. I automatically had this attraction towards him. He made eye contact with me, I started to blush but why I loved Kian or was it cause I stated to recognise that it was Machine Gun Kelly staring  at me. Why the fuck was he here! At my 21st??

' Hey birthday girl' he shouted over the loud music.

' Omg , it's you MGK, what are you doing here ? ' I shouted back.

' A little birdy told me that you like my music and I wanted to check this party out. I also have a lot of time for my fans '. MGK replied

' Wanna dance ??' I asked him excitedly. 

That's how my 21st was dancing, drinking and talking to MGK. I was stoked with it, I didn't care the fact that Kian had ditched me for his shitty tour , I enjoyed it more without him.

I woke up the next morning with a banging headache, I wasn't to sure on what happened for the remainder of the night. But I was pretty sure Kells came back with me last night. I turned over to see no one there, but there was a letter on the pillow:

Hey babe,
Thanks for a good night last night, you sure now how to dance. I just wanted to give you my number and I would love to get now you a bit more. Also, I've been looking at your photography and would love you to shoot my next album cover. Sorry I wasn't there for you in the morning , I had to dash as I have busy schedule today.
From Kells x
P.S. Your a cute sleeper ;)

What the actual fuck? Machine gun Kelly wants me to shoot his next album cover, this is awesome. He also wants to get to now me more. But what about Kian?

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