Chapter 3

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2 weeks later
By this time Kian was suppose to be back, it was 12am the day he was supposed to be here. What was holding him up so long?? He for sure would have texted me if the plane was delayed. Don't get me wrong I am pissed of with Kian for ditching me at the party but I do miss him and I want him home.
Ping Ping
I looked at my phone and it was Kells, we had been texting a lot and I like it. 

Kells: Hey babe , hope you okay? Im going out off town for a few days but when I get back we can start shooting for my new album cover. Isn't Kian supposed to be back today? Xox

Me:  Im alright, suppose I've been better. Okay sounds cool, give me some ideas on how you want your album cover to be and I can see what I can do. Yeah he is but he hasn't come home yet.

Kells: Are babes, when I get back we can hang out, I will cheer you up 😉. I'm leaving that up to you. How strange is that. Xox
I didn't bother replying to his message. To be honest I felt so shit.  about myself , why has Kian not turned up? To be honest the way he left me at my party I was still pissed at him, and being late is going piss me off even more.
The day of the shoot
It was amazing! Ever since I was little I always wanted to photograph someone that I admired so much. But it felt different, it was so much more chill than the other shoots I had done with famous people. I could joke around with him, tell him that he weren't doing it right when he was. After, the shoot was finished:
'Do you want to catch a movie at my place later??' Kells asked me.

' Errr, yeah maybe. I need to edit these photos first though. You said you needed them pretty quick?'

'Babes don't worry about it, save it for a rainy day. Come and hang out with me it will be fun'.

'Yeah sure if you say so, only if it's gunna be fun.'

Why the actual fuck did I say 'yeah maybe', I'm gunna be hanging out with Kells. What's to think about? Nothing.

I got in to the car with Kells, all I did was stare him. He was something to look at , I just couldn't take my eyes of him.
'Why are you staring at me?' He asked me.

' Umm , no reason your just nice to look at' I blushed. Those words had just left my mouth.

'Right but not as good looking as you'.

I smiled.

For the rest of the car journey home we sat in silence.

When we got home, we lit up two splifs and watched Bad neighbours, until the asked me ' why are you with Kian?'

To be honest i didn't know what to say so I just pretended to ignore the question. But why was I?? He obviously didn't care about me. Leaving me at my party and almost a week late home. No text to tell me why he was late home.

There was a knock at the door.

It was all of Kells friends, I was nervous to meet them.  Kells introduced me to all his friends like Dubo, Slim and Rook. They seemed nice, they talked to me like we had known each other for ages. The one thing that I liked about Kells is that he didn't change round his friends, he treat me the same.
We decided that we were gunna go to the liquor store and by some vodka and play some drinking games.
As the night went on I got drunker and drunker, it was like I had been possessed. But it took me back to the first time I ever met Kells, him in the club dancing with me. It was one of the best nights of my life, maybe Kian not turning up to my party was a good thing because I would have never met him.
I decided that I was gunna go to the kitchen and get some water so I didn't suffer as much in the morning with my hangover.  I could hear someone following behind me, I looked round and it was Kells.
Sitting on the kitchen counter with Kells, we talked for about half an hour when Kells looked at me dead straight in the eye and our lips locked. I felt a spark. I had never felt this when I had kissed Kian, but why was I feeling such a connection with Kells?? I was supposed to love Kian.

Sorry for such a late chapter I've been really busy lately. Going to try and chapter 4 done by tomorrow night.
Hope you like this chapter , let me now down in the comments please.

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