Chapter 12

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Kristen POV.
I had to admit, I was surprised Rob didn't leave. He was close, but he didn't talk much. I could see the pain in he's eyes .
I looked up to him and whispered Im sorry.
Kristen, don't apologize to me, I mean, yea, this is really, really bad, but well get through it I promise you, we will. Everything is going to be okay, alright?

"How are you planning to confront Ashely and your father? "I asked him
"Mark is working on that as we speak". "My lawyers will take care of them".
I nodded, and he brought his hand to my face, and kissed me, not hard, but lightly
I kissed him back, and broke the kiss.
I looked up at him, and he smiled..
I don't know why, but I was always afraid of Ashely.
"She won't get her hands on you or clary".
" I couldn't hide my fear."
"There was something about Ashely I don't like."
"Don't get yourself worked up about it Kristen ".
"Can we talk about our Daughter"
" What do you want to know?
"Oh boy " "where do I begin".
Okay before I tell you everything. Promises that you won't get mad .
Robert nodded
Flashback to the day Kristen found out she was pregnant with Rob baby and labor

A month after the breakup.

My body is shaking with shock at the news. A baby? No fucking way, no way, NO WAY!!! Uselessly my mind is trying to grasp this staggering piece of information. Like a small child, I'm hopelessly, helplessly trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I know That my father is going to go ape-shit on me, thermonuclear and then some. How could I have let this happen?
What am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to go back to the way things used be, and magically be alright?
I had bags under my eyes, after not having slept in two days. I haven�t left my house in two days. I haven�t eaten anything besides a candy bar, and a bottle of berry juice in two days.
I heard a knock at the bathroom door. Go away.I spat. I was back on the bathroom floor, attempting to stop puke my guts out.

The door flung open, and Renee gasped as I emptied my stomach once again. KRISTEN! Oh my god, are you okay? Whats going on? She pleaded.
"I am pregnant "
She looked taken back M-Morning sickness? Your p-p-pregnant? She asked.
"Bingo Renee "
I know I'm pregnant Renee . There's s no doubt about it. I'm having his baby.� I finally said.

As the months went by I couldn't bear being pregnant. I was literally alone in all this . My dad hated me for been pregnant. 'My mother was too busy drinking her life out of hell' .
Your dad told me to do the unthinkable...  later that night I went into false labor , due to stress. "I had to stay in the hospital for the rest of my pregnancy ".
"It was not fun living in a hospital room." The best part about that was the paparazzi where blindsided.

The labor was painful worse than Bella's labor.
Then I heard it, a loud, screaming cry of a baby.
it�s a girl!�
I laughed euphorically, and looked up to see the bloody mess.
"She was pretty even with all the blood all over her."
Then after she was cleaned up, they handed her to me. I was hesitant, because I knew that once I laid my hands on her, that I wouldn�t be able to let her go.
She whimpered, and opened her eyes.
She look so much like you ?  She had your eyes .

We left the hospital 3 days later.
Six weeks later we move to Australia.
Flashback ends.
I began to record very little details about Clary's life.  "Just in case you came back one day."
"So basically you have 5 years of unseen DVD. And pictures to see dad.
Kristen quick question "Does Clary have my last name?"
Her Full Name is (Clary Marie Elizabeth Pattinson).
"She has my mother Name."
"Yes in honor of your mother ".
Why Marie ?Kristen
"I was having a twilight moment ".
Her name is one of a kind?
She is special in her own way daddy.

Quick Question Rob ?
where's are Son?
By son you mean (Bear)
"Yes Bear" where is he Rob?

Quick Question Rob ? where's are Son?By son you mean (Bear)"Yes Bear" where is he Rob?

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