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Chapter 19

Kristen Pov

After Visiting my dad we where finally home. "And yes my dad gave me and earful of what where you thinking."

After a few hours I was dress in sweatpants and a T-shirt, I was sitting between Rob's legs

"So did Cop's tell you anything else while I was unconscious?" "Not that I recall."
"I heard a few of your conversations."

The hairbrush stills in my hair.
"Did you?" he asks, his tone nonchalant.
"Yes I did".

"Your dad, My Sister The Detective . . . ." "And Clary

"Clary was there?"

"Briefly, yes. She's mad at you, too."
I turn in his lap. "Stop with the everyone is mad at Kristen crap, okay?"
"Just telling you the truth," Rob says, bemused by my outburst.

"But no more recklessness. Because
next time, I will spank the living shit out of you." I gasp.
"You wouldn't!"
"I would." He's serious. Holy cow. Deadly serious. "I have your father's permission." He smirks. He's teasing me! Or is he? I launch myself at him, and he twists so that I fall onto the bed and into his arms. As I land, pain from my ribs shoots through me and I wince.

"Fuck for one second I forgot about my inner injuries."

"Behave yourself Kristen" Rob Said

"He nuzzles my hand and kisses it gently."

He moves his hand up and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear.
"No," he whispers.

"Don't look at me like that. I've seen the bruises. And the answer's no." His voice is firm, and he kisses my forehead.

I squirm. "Rob," I whine. "No. Get into bed." He sits up. "Bed?"
"You need rest."
"I need you."

" I know but the answer is no". "You have to rest up Clary and Bear coming home tomorrow " "Your are going to need your energy. " "Because those two are dangerous combination."

"Should I been afraid "

" In theory yes"

"I sit up awkwardly, trying to hide my flinch from my smarting ribs.

"Rob left the room and came back with my pain medication".

"You look tired." He picks up the glass of Water.

"I am."

"Good. Sleep." He kisses me. "I have some work I need to do. I'll do it in
here if that's okay with you."

I nod . . . fighting a losing battle with my eyelids. I am physically and mentally exhausted tonight.

It's twilight when I wake. Rob is sitting in the armchair, watching me, Green eyes luminous in the ambient light. He's clutching some papers. His face is ashen.
"What's wrong?" I ask immediately, sitting up and ignoring my protesting ribs.

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