Chapter 13

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Quick Question Rob ?
where's are Son?
By son you mean (Bear)
"Yes Bear" where is he Rob?

'Hold that thought I think someone is officially up. " Rob said

"Hi Daddy " you came back

Mommy who is Bear ?

Bear is one of my dogs that we couldn't take to Australia with us. "Do me a big favor can you please brush your teeth and and change your pj's."

Clary: yes mum.

Rob : "She knows who I am"

Kristen: "yes she does I never deny her the right to know who you where in her life.

Rob: what does she mean by you came back?

Kristen: she is too young to know the truth. "So I told her half of the truth.

Rob: what's that .?

Kristen: That your this famous Actor that travels to a lot of states and countries.?
Before you ask no she hasn't seen Twilight or any of your movies.

Rob: "Good because they suck."

Kristen: Robert they don't suck . By the way The Lost City of Z. Was pretty good.

Rob: I can't believe you saw it.

Kristen : I did see it . I went with Taylor Ian and Nikki back in Australia.

Rob: I recently saw personal shopper. Nice job .

(Kristen blushed.)

Rob : Hey sweetheart. I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I miss see you blushes like this.

Kristen: I turned around and kiss him. I let my eyes slowly flutter closed, and focus on the feeling of his skin contacting with mine. In that moment, I realized something. I realized that I was in love with this man after all this years.

Clary: clear her throat. "Are we going to get Bear."

Rob: "yes but first come here". "For the first ever I healed my daughter in my arms."

Clary: i love you daddy.

Rob: I love you too Clary.

Kristen: ok Rob where's Bear ?

Rob: Bear is at my sister house. "I think that it will be better for me to go get Bear. Knowing my sister she will start asking 5 million questions about Clary and us."

Kristen POV
Then, out of no where, the doorbell rang....
Then, I heard her British voice. (Ashely)
Kristen�I hope you wouldn't mind, your daughter calling me mom?
I wanted to fucking kill her�
�No, the answer is NO. You WILL NOT be anything to my daughter do you understand me? Nothing. She is not yours. She is mine. Mine. You got that?�
Fuck! Why can't that damned woman leave us alone?

"My feeling of empowerment evaporates. Fuck! I start panting with fear again, feeling it surge thick and rough through my veins. In spite of this and feeling beyond brave, I turn and told run to her room.
"What do you have that I don't?" she asks, her voice assuming the singsong intonation of a child.
"What do you mean, Ashely ?" I ask as gently as I can.
"He let's you sleep with him."
"He Never let me sleep with him."

She tilts her head to the other side. It's wholly unnerving and unnatural as a gesture.
"In-ad-e-quate." She tests the word, sounding it out, seeing how it feels on her tongue. "Rob is happy. I have seen him. He laughs and smiles. These reactions are rare . . . very rare for him."
This bitch You saw us in bed?" I whisper.
Shit how did she do this.

She's not actually pointing that gun at me. Perhaps I can move. She shakes her head and tilts it from side to side as if stretching her neck.
I take a deep precious lungful of air, trying to calm my panicked breathing, and move toward the kitchen island. She frowns as if she can't quite understand what I am doing and shifts a little so she is still facing me.

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