Chapter 18

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Kristen POV..

"I really wanted to go home and see my daughter." "But I had to stay in hospital a little longer About 4 more hours.."

Last night for the first in day's Rob slept. His hair is a mess, he hasn't shaved for a long time, and his shirt is badly wrinkled. I frown.
"How are you feeling?" Ignoring the nurse, he sits down on the bed out of arm's reach.
"Achy. Hungry."
"Hungry?" He blinks in surprise.
I nod.
What do you want to eat ?
"Anything" hamburger sub sushi.
My nosy nurse had to kill the mood.

Mr. Pattinson you'll need the doctor's approval before Mrs.Pattinson can eat any solids. "Only liquids Mrs. Pattinson " I gave her half a smile"
He gazes at her impassively for a moment then takes his BlackBerry out .. He dialed someone number.
I was impressed that he still had that phone...
"Kristen wants chicken soup . . . Good . . . Thank you." He hangs up.
"Let me Guess Mark." Rob nods.
I glance at The nurse whose eyes narrow at Rob .

Your blood pressure is normal, Mrs. Pattinson She re-
moves the cuff and, without so much as another word, stalks out of the room, ra- diating disapproval.
"I think the nurse hates you ".
"I don't care Robert said.

There's a knock on the door, and Mark enters bearing a black cardboard box
Holy cow! Food I said. But to my luck it was just the chicken broth.
"I wanted real food." "Not this "

"Mark left the room without saying goodbye."
" you know Mark is mad at you " Rob said
" I can see that"..

2 hours later still at the hospital...
"You made the newspaper again." Rob said in a bitter tone.
"Tell me something I don't know"
Mid afternoon my nosy nurse joined us to remove my IV. She glares at Rob . I think she's one of the few women I've met who is oblivious to his charms. I thank her when she leaves with my IV stand.
"Shall I take you home?" Rob asks.
"Yes" But first can we go see my dad"
"Just a heads up he's pretty mad at you." He Said I should spank you."
What? Rob  laughs at my appalled expression. "I told him I'd be only too willing to oblige." "You didn't."
"Yes I did"

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