Chapter 9

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Kristen POV.
You had a choice Rob  all you had to do was listen to my side of the story."
"But you decided to leave us."
What do mean by us? "Kristen" Rob said
"Before I say anything else "I need you to promise me that you will not get mad..?
"I promise I won't get mad." He said
I loved how his British accent made me all hot and bothered. But, I was going to stand my ground.
'But how do I tell him that we have a little girl together.?"
I walk into the kitchen to get a drink of water. He followed me.
It felt like my stomach was in my throat, and my heart in my mouth.

Stop fidgeting, Kristen Please try to remember that you're not confessing to a murder here."
"Easy for you to say."
He raised one eyebrow, stared at me for five seconds, then stomped to the recliner and sat down on the very edge, his back ramrod straight.

"I couldn't even get the words out."
Why is this so hard to do?
"I will right back".

I went into Clary's room. I picked her up in my arms.Clary rest her head on my shoulder.

Here goes nothing...

Kristen came back
What was different was the child she held in her arms.?

Clary squirmed in Kristen's too-tight grip

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Clary squirmed in Kristen's too-tight grip. She forced herself to loosen her arms and concentrate on her breathing, recognising the familiar feel of a hand around her throat, the pounding of her heart that marked the onset of a panic attack. She closed her eyes for a moment. Concentrate. In through the nose, out through the mouth. She would not faint, not while she held her child She forced the wave of panic down as if it were a large dog trying to jump up at her. You can cope, you're strong enough to deal with anything now. Her inner voice sounded weak and feeble in her head, but she made herself repeat the words until the panic receded. It seemed like minutes, but must only have been ten seconds or so. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

Rob hadn't moved. He stood three feet in front of her, looking calm and cool .
Rob's glare showed her that, clearly, he'd done the math.
"I'm sorry you had to find out like this."
They stayed silent for a full twenty seconds, during which time Rob's eyes turned from icy to hurt, and eventually to flat, emotionless mirrors, causing her heart to crumple in on itself like a dying star. Then he turned and walked out.

"where there was fire ashes remain". Robsten StoryWhere stories live. Discover now