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“Shesh” he heard a voice from the other side of the phone. “Hmmm” his reply were always short and sharp. “Okay” he disconnected the call. He placed the phone on the dining table and walked and released his laziness with bending his knuckles. He bent right and then left stretching his arms. He turned his neck and relaxed by rubbing it.

“Angel” he opened his eyes smiling

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“Angel” he opened his eyes smiling. Ragini stopped her steps jerked behind him. His voice hoarse and cold always used to make her body shiver. She composed herself. He turned to look at her smiling. “I... I was just going to the kitchen” she fumbled.

He strode to her slowly and analyzing the changes in her face

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He strode to her slowly and analyzing the changes in her face. One extra wrinkle on her forehead and she is caught. “I told you to take rest. Didn't I” he trailed his finger over her jawline and inhaled her fragrance. She was controlling her urge to react to his closeness. She smiled closing her eyes. “I.... I just wanted water” “Sita” he screamed in next moment. Ragini opened her eyes horrified. A lady ran and stood behind him. He turned and fumed looking at her.

“Didn't I tell you to take care of my Angel? I had told you before she herself asks for anything you should keep it ready even if it is a glass of water. Didn't I?” The lady jerked due to his outburst. “It wasn't her fault Shesh” Ragini tried cooling him. Suddenly his anger vanished and he smiled turning to Ragini. “Angel... Relax. I'm there na. I know to handle people. I hope you know that” he smiled widely and turned and his anger was back on his face. He walked to Sita and in a moment he took the knife from the fruit bowl on the dining table and before anyone can realize the knife was across Sita's neck. She opened her eyes shocked. Ragini gasped for the sudden happenings.

“I hope you know Sita what this knife can do? If you failed to do your job you know this knife will not take a second to do it's job” he smirked looking at Sita. His eyes moved and locked with Ragini's horror filled eyes. He winked at her biting his lower lip. “I will remember Saab ji. I will. Please forgive me this time please” Sita begged for her life still her eyes fixed on the knife. “Good” he removed the knife and wiped it with his left hand finger. Sita ran inside the kitchen scared. Ragini stood blank looking at him.


“This is for playing with my trust” Shesh stabbed someone in a dark place. He wiped the blood on the knife and handed it to his man who was standing at right. He smirked looking at the person who was wincing in pain and struggling. He sat in front of him. “You know I was aware of your intentions first day I met you and I could have you killed you the same day” he spread is hands in air. “But no. I don't like it when my prey don't suffer. I love slow deaths.” he held the persons jaws and squeezed them as hard as possible. “Unless I see that fear for death in your eyes I don't get satisfaction of killing” he threw his face and got up and signed his men to dispose the body and walked to his car.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now