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“Raman Bhai” Sanskar widened his eyes when he found Raman on Rohan's bungalow door. Adarsh closed his fist which Sujata held and he looked at her and sighed. As Raman walked in Vikram appeared from behind. “Vikky” Sanskar looked at him shocked. “I don't have enough time. Mom you have to take me to hospital near by because my tracker will start working in five minutes. And please no melodrama and no questions and unless I tell you don't reveal to anyone. Promise on me” Adarsh dragged Sujata with him. Raman looked away when Adarsh passed him. Sujata looked at him emotionally and Raman returned her a emotional smile.


“My Choti Sherni was the best trainee in the institute” Raman smiled. “Choti Sherni?” Sanskar looked at him confused. “Ragu” Rohan smiled at him. Vikram wiped the tears in his eyes. “I lost my bacha. It is all due to me. She must be hating me for this” he sobbed remembering Ragini. “She can never hate you Vikky. Never ever” Rohan placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Heya Ragu” Rohan waved his hand when he found Ragini at the airport. She smiled and walked to him. “Hi Rohan” she smiled as she reached him. They walked out of the airport and sat inside a car.

“Where are we going to stay?” Ragini looked at Rohan who was driving the car. “Surprise” he smiled widely and she looked at him confused. After an hour they reached a street and Rohan parked a car outside a house. It was painted white from outside and was small with beautiful garden. “Come” Rohan held her hand and walked crossing the garden and stood out side the house and pressed the calling bell.

“Wont you miss your Pari maa?” Rohan's words made her look at him confused. The door opened and Ragini's eyes widened looking at the person standing in front of her. “Ragu baccha. You will manage without me na?” she remembered Pari's words when she was at the airport in India. “Pari maa” she whispered and the person in front of her smiled widely. “Actually Ishi maa” a person stood beside and Ragini's eyes fell on him. She was about to faint Rohan held her. “She is really too weak” Raman walked inside and Ishita signed to get inside to Rohan who walked in with Ragini who was dumbstruck.
“Pari maa has a twin?” Ragini widened her eyes shocked. “Actually it is more like missing twin” Raman's words made her more confused. “Ishita Raman Bhalla aka Ishita Gadodia. She was lost no actually was abducted by someone who wanted to take revenge from Shekar Gadodia and was recently discovered by Adarsh who happened to be my cousin come colleague. His dad Ram Prasad Maheshwari is younger brother to my mother Arundhati Bhalla. Before you raise a question to my Punjabi surname my mom and dad loved each other which was disapproved by mom's family but one person helped them guess who?” Raman forwarded the tea cup to Ragini who was looking at him shocked. “Your dad” he smiled looking at her and she blinked her eyes.

“So Ram maamu made Suji maa I mean my maa cum maami to break all her ties with her only brother Shekar Gadodia and even Shekar Kaaku never spoke about them after that to anyone. Even his wives and kids doesn't know about it. But Adarsh fell in love with Pari, call it destiny again Maheshwaris and Gadodias were relatives.” he shrugged his shoulders. Ragini bit her nails. “Now what confusion?” Raman looked at her. “Can I call you dee?” Ragini first looked at Ishita who smiled and cupped her face. “You can call me Ishi maa also” and Ragini looked at her emotionally and hugged her.

“But Pari maa tho did not knew about AJ's profession. But how does Ishi maa knows about your profession?” Ragini looked at Raman confused. “Because she is a secret agent too. Then how do you think your AJ met your Ishi maa? This and all he discovered last year when he came here for Sanky's admission in Oxford and met the London team” Raman rested back on the sofa. “Sanky?” Ragini's memory traveled to the Party night when she danced with Sanskar.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now