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Time was flying fast. Ragini was getting trained at the secret agent's institute and her friendship with Sanskar was growing strong with time. Her panic attacks never returned due to Sanskar's friendship which surprised Pari in India who thought Ragini will not survive them. Six months passed like six minutes.

“What are you searching at this time Sanky?” Tarak rubbed his eyes when he woke up due to the light Sanskar's laptop was emitting in their room of Hostel. Tarak who was also Sanskar's room mate sat beside him. Sanskar who had put on the head phones couldn't hear Tarak's voice jerked due to his presence suddenly beside him. He closed the laptop but it was late as Tarak had understood what Sanskar was doing actually.

“Don't you think you are taking too much interest in that girl?” Tarak shot when Sanskar placed the laptop back in his bag. “She is my friend Tarak and she has a name” Sanskar looked at him. “I know. Who does so much for just friendship? I mean I would never spoil my sleep searching cure for fumbling for my friend though he or she is my best friend” he shrugged his shoulder. “Now you are talking non sense Tarak seriously. I'm sleepy can we talk tomorrow” Sanskar slid down and placed his head on the pillow.

“Yeah now why will you want to talk to me?” he walked back to his bed. “Stop behaving like my girlfriend Tarak for god sake. Don't be so opinionated about a girl and boy's friendship” Sanskar turned a bit and straightened himself and closed his eyes annoyed. Tarak held the edge of his bed. He lied on the bed and covered himself with the quilt and tried dozing off.


“So you are born and brought up here only?” Sanskar munched the Sandwich. “Hmmm” Ragini ate the chips and drank the juice. He grinned at her and his cheese filled teeth made her burst out laughing. “What happened?” he spoke with still food in his mouth. “You seriously looked like a clown” “Hun?” he glared her and she started running guessing his move and Sanskar chased her wiping his lips with tissue papers. He held her hand finally after they ran the whole corridor and Ragini felt the same comfort what she felt during the dance in Pari's reception when Sanskar dragged and hugged her from back.

His hot breath which fanned her neck sent goosebumps all over her body. She tried getting out of his hold when she felt nervous due to his closeness. Her fragrance filled his nostrils which made him crazy and he tightened his grip on her. “S... sanskar” her fumbling voice made him land back to real world. “Ghonchu kahi ki. When you know you can't win me over a race then why do you even try” he whispered in her ears. “Ghajni kahi ka if you have forgotten let me remind you yesterday only you lost to me in race” she smirked and stamped his foot and he held his paining leg and winced in pain leaving her.

“Is it hurting badly Sanky?” Ragini asked concerned. Sanskar utilized the opportunity and held her elbow and dragged her near to him. “You idiot. That's cheating” she stamped her foot like small kid. He blushed when he saw her pouting like a small kid. “Awww you look so cute” he shook her nose holding it with his right hand. “L....leave na” she fumbled. “On one condition” he looked straight in her eyes. “Hmmm” she smiled unknowingly. “You will come with me after drama practice?” he cocked his eye brows pleading her. She nodded her head smiling. “That's like a good girl” he left her hand and hit her forehead playfully which made her frown and she started chasing him.


“Tinker Bell” Ragini teased Tarak when he was removing his costume. “Dare you call me that again” he warned her and she chuckled looking at his annoyed face. “Arrey that's your role in drama what can I do?” she shrugged her shoulders. “Seriously she is growing smart in Sanky's company” he thought in his mind when he saw her walking out teasing him.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now