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“Hey” Shesh smiled at Ragini who just opened her eyes. “Shesh” she grabbed the quilt and covered herself. “What happened Angel” he walked to her. “What are you doing in my room at this time?” asked she a bit scared. “Actually the new servant sent by Sita, Gulabo had to leave so I thought let me get your coffee. And moreover I was just admiring you sleep like a small baby” he spoke as he sat beside her when she sat straightened.

She smiled at him weakly. She was in confusion. They had not discussed anything of that sort then where did Raman go and did he leave Sanskar alone? So many confusions in her mind. She looked up and found Shesh staring her. “I will freshen up” she moved to the other side and walked to the washroom.

She turned the shower ON.


“Sanskar I think someone is coming” Raman disturbed them and Sanskar pecked Ragini's forehead and assured her and walked from there. Ragini slowly walked to her room and closed it and lied on her bed.

Flashback ends.

“Angel are you fine?” Shesh's voice brought her out of the thoughts. She looked up from the plate on which she almost killed the food due to her thoughts. She just smiled at him. Shesh wiped his face from the napkin and walked to her.

He held the spoon in her hand and took the food and fed her. She jerked and looked at him surprised. She has to force herself to have the food. He smiled and wiped the little food near her lip.

“Have food on time and tablets on time. I don't want anything happen to your kid.” she jerked to his deadly whisper.

Her world stopped spinning she felt. Her eyes widened and heart started galloping and sweat formed on her forehead.

She swallowed the food and spoke “Shesh” “Shh angel. First food” said he and she had to have the food. As he made her eat all the food and placed the glass on her lips; she drank the water looking at him.

He wiped her lips with the napkin and got up to leave. She held his hand and he stopped. “You knew...” she spoke with a low voice.

He turned and banged the table with his hand and leaned to her. She jerked and looked at him horrified. It was worst than the worst nightmare. His presence so close to her with his blood shot eyes made her heart beat race with more speed. She took more air and hyperventilated looking at him.

His eyes turned soft and he wiped the sweat on her forehead and her eyelids followed his finger which traveled on her forehead. He kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes.

“I love you. I still do. And I will do till my last breath” he said and walked from there. She let a huge lump of air which was trapped in her throat and relieved her a bit. She looked around there were no signs of any person in that huge mansion.


“And we lost their track too” said Tarak looking at Adarsh helplessly. “I told you Adi not to involve that dumb girl in this mission but you never listened. Now I lost my son also due to her. I warned her not to get close to my son but she never listened to my warnings. And....” he was interrupted by Adarsh “Dad please. We have lost track of three people now and you are just fretting over Ragini's skills as a secret cop” Ram's face was revealed.

******Flashback ******

“Excuse me” a voice made Shesh's eyes widened with shock. He turned after placing the water glass on the table back. There she was standing with her messed up hair and morning face. She had the same shock on her face looking at him. She was pulling her dress down to cover her legs and his eyes moved to her knees. He turned immediately.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now