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“Sanskar” Sujata called when she saw Sanskar ascending the stairs. He did not stop. “Sanskar” she called again but no response. He stopped when he found someone standing in front of him. He looked up to find Ram. “Your mom is calling you Sanky” he looked at him concerned. His face was weak and defeated. No shine in those eyes like all the tears have drained out of his body. “Hmmm?” he did not understand what Ram spoke. “Your mom is calling you” Ram descended one more step and placed his hand on Sanskar's shoulder. He turned to Sujata. It squeezed her heart to see her son in that state. What had he become just in a week. A lifeless body whose soul had left him for forever. She wiped the tear at the corner of her eye.

“I made your favorite Rajma Chawal today. Freshen up and come” she smiled at him. “Maa why did you prepare Rajma you know na Ragu has allergy to it...” he paused and a tear escaped his dry eye. Sujata controlled her cry looking at her son's state. He just turned and walked to his room. Sujata looked at Ram with helplessness in her eyes. He descended the stairs and hugged her and consoled her.

Sanskar entered his room and latched and leaned to the door. His emotions flew like there was no barrier. His nails crawled the door behind and the pain was intolerable for him. He looked up and his throat pained to control his cry. He turned to the door and placed his fist on his mouth to control his sobs. Nothing was helping. He held his paining head as he slowly slid down.


“Wow this anklet will suit Swara” Sanskar held an anklet and heard it chiming sound. “Wow what a melody. I think I will never forget it in my life. And of course it will be in my life always as I will gift this to Swara” Sanskar played with it and smiled hearing the chiming sound. “Wow Sir this is the only piece left in the market. Be careful” the shop keeper warned him. “Oops I'm so sorry. I will buy this” he shuffled his pant pocket and then his jacket. “Fish. I think I left my wallet in car” he placed his hand on his head. He ran out to get the wallet.

“Phew” he picked up his wallet which was in the car and rushed to the shop. “Hey I want to buy that anklet” he asked the shopkeeper. “Sorry sir one madam just bought it” he signed towards the shop exit and he saw someone walking out of the shop. “Oh no” he ran behind the lady. He kept following her walking till she reached Buckingham Palace. He watched her from far when she was wearing the anklets sitting on a bench. Her face was covered with her hair. “Excuse me” he neared her. She flipped her hair behind and looked at up at him.

“Umm actually the anklet” he showed her the anklets she was wearing. She moved her confused eyes to her anklets and then moved back to him. “Anklets?” she cocked her head forward. “Umm are beautiful” his eyes were fixed on her leg which was looking so beautiful due to the shine of the anklet. She gave him a weird look. “Excuse me” she sounded offended. “No no don't take me wrong. I... I was just” he fumbled not finding right words. He was damn nervous. She looked at him and burst out laughing. He sighed looking at her laugh. Her smile was something which bound him in that moment. He doesn't know why but he felt different in that beautiful moment. The dry leaves fell and made the surrounding more beautiful. It looked like a dream.

She nodded her head and got up to walk but her heel collided with a small piece of stone which made her fall. He approached her concerned. She sat rubbing her hands and her elbow was scratched and slightly started bleeding. “Oh Fish” he looked at her wound then at her face. She was tearing due to the pain and embarrassment. Her pain squeezed him for an unknown reason. “Hey relax” he cupped her face and wiped her tears. He lifted her and walked to the bench. “Be here I will just come okay” she nodded her head like a small kid when he placed her on the bench. He ran to his car like a maniac and brought the first aid kit.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now