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“Shesh” a lady walked inside a room. “You are still sleeping baby” she walked up to the bed and caressed the boys hair. “Mumma please na some more time” said he covering his face with the pillow.

“See beta it is already late. You know how punctual is your dad” she shook him. He sat up annoyed. “That's not fair. You always do this. He is not in town” he rubbed his eyes. “What can I do only your dad's name can wake you Kumbhkaran kahika” she slightly hit on his head.

“Now get going. I have other works than running behind you” said she and walked from there. He walked to the washroom uninterested.

“Mumma” he hugged her and she smiled jerking when she was working in the kitchen. “see I go my MBA degree. Why didn't you come for the graduation day” he pouted looking at her.

“Aww mela sheshu. Shorry” said she and he smiled at her and hugged her and she caressed his hair blessing him.

“Who is she?” she walked inside Shesh's room when he was busy admiring Ragini's photo on his laptop. He jerked and closed the laptop immediately.

“No one mom” said he smiling nervously at her. “Oh now my son is hiding things from me” she sat beside him on his bed. He turned and got and hugged her. “Angel” said he. “Angel sachi” said she. “Haa you know when I met her for the first time she was wearing the angel dress and like angel when I was so thirsty she gave me water to drink” he smiled remembering their first meet.

“Haaye my son is in love” said she smiling. “Shhh mumma. If dad heard na I'm finished. First of all he is angry that I lost a deal and if he came to know all this he will surely kill me” he said horrified.

“Shesh stop trying to be your dad's shadow. This might snatch everything from you” she caressed his hair. “I can't mumma. Everyone dreams about becoming something in their life. But from the time I gained I had dreamed only about being like my dad. I want to be as successful as he is. I want to be his shadow. I want to grow bigger than him” said he.

*****Flashback ends******

The alarm his dream which was the reflection of his past. He wiped his face and walked to the washroom to get freshen up.

He walked to her room and opened it. He felt strange. But avoided his thoughts and walked inside the room. Raman passed the room. Shesh stopped and looked out. Raman walked swiftly and hid behind the other wall and got saved from Shesh's eye sight. Shesh nodded his head and walked inside.

He sat on the chair in front of her and admired her cute face.

“Do you realizing you are losing everything behind her” a voice spoke. “I don't care” he said without a slight tension on his face. “But I do” the voice spoke.

“Then back off I don't need you anymore” said he and banged the phone which scattered into pieces.

Ragini woke up and found Shesh staring her. She sat up and he walked to her and sat beside her. “Love is sometimes strange angel” he caressed her hair. “Though I know you will destroy me I can't keep myself away from you. I want to get destroyed by you” he held hair and bent her head back ward.

“Shesh” she cried in pain. “Oh I'm so sorry angel. I'm really sorry” he apologized leaving her hair.

“Shesh please let me go for my kid's sake. Where is Sanskar? Tell me” she sobbed. He held the pillow behind her and squeezed it to the death.

“You know I'm so mad about you?” he asked her holding her hands. She shivered for his touch. “My mumma used to say when a person brings the good out of a devil there is no one else who can solace to that devil” he kissed her hands.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now