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The air was blowing like a storm. Her soul was stuck in the storm.

“Ouch d... d.... deee” Ragini screamed as she fell on the ground. “Ragu bacha” Pari rushed to her. “D... dee” she sobbed hugging Pari. “Shh... Bacha. See nothing happened.” said she as she wiped her tears. Pari helped her to walk and they reached Kapoor mansion.

“Arrey Pari beta kya hua?” asked Ram. “Kuch nahi uncle she fell down” said Pari and made Ragini sit on the sofa and rushed inside to bring the first aid kit.

She came out and treated Ragini's wound. “I had told you. You cannot take care of her. For her sake leave her in that asylum that's best for her” said Ram looking at her.

“She is my responsibility uncle. I had promised Nanny aunty that I will take care of my bacha for forever and you know forever never lasts” she had tears in her eyes.

“Maa” Ragini collapsed in front of Pari's portrait which was covered with a garland.

“Can I call you Pari maa” Ragini bent her head looking at Pari. Her eyes filled with tears. She nodded her head. “My Pari maa” said Ragini hugging Pari. Her happiness had no bounds. On one hand Ragini got the love she craved from years and on the other hand Pari realized what she lost years ago.

“Pari maaa” she screamed and her heart felt in her mouth. Her screamed touched the sky.

“Ragu” Swara caressed her hair and hugged her. Ragini was still looking at the portrait. “She left us bacha. She left us” said Vikram caressing her hair.

“No... no.... she can't leave me. She said she will be with me for forever and forever never lasts Bhai” said Ragini looking at him painfully. A three year old who was holding Sanskar's finger walked to her. She wiped Ragini's tears. “Maashi mumma loves you” Ragini hugged Piyu and burst out crying more.

“Ragu... ragu...” Adarsh walked to her and she looked at him. “AJ” she whispered closing her mouth. “See na these all are saying Pari is gone. Tell them na that she is not gone anywhere” said Adarsh like small kid. Ragini hugged him and sobbed.

“AJ” she sobbed more.

“Yeh lijiye” said the Pandit handing the Kalash to Ragini.

She looked at the Kalash. In this temporary world her attachment to Pari was permanent. But God snatched her soul her mother like sister or more precisely her mother for the second time from her.

The mother who gave her birth never made her presence felt and whose presence she felt also had left the world to a world from where her soul also could not be felt.

*******Flashback ends******

Adarsh looked at the kalash in Ragini's closure.


“No this ain't an accident” she spoke as a hot tear tripped her eyes. “How are you so sure about it?” Adarsh asked her. “Because Pari maa was a left handed person. And she will surely not turn right in such situation and that is the clue that she was killed. And I have to find the reason for it” she spoke determined.

“And your one more step can harm Piyu's life you know Ragu” said he. “AJ. She was my sister. Someone killed her and you want me to keep quite. If your dad wouldn't have ended up kidnapping Rohan for assuring Swara' dee's marriage I wouldn't have stepped in this mess. He could have discussed it with me. And about Piyu's safety. Untill her Maasi is alive nothing will happen to her. And Shesh is involved in Pari maa's accident though without his knowledge but he was involved in Pari maa's death. And as far I know him he considered her as his own sister. Now I have to know what made him to get involved. There is something big which is not visible to us. For that I have to go back to him” she said looking at the necklace stone which had a communication device which connected to Adarsh's secret laptop in his secret office.

Oasis: BOOK 2: THE DEVIL(completed Under Editing) Where stories live. Discover now