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"Unhand me this instance!" The wind was in my face and was making struggling extremely difficult. People were yelling at us and the guards were hot on our trail. I looked back and saw market men and women cursing at us; some even testing their aim and throwing their fruits and stones.
"Hold on tight love" his grip got tighter as we took a sharp turn to the right. The guards took the direction forward instead of running with us. He dropped me down and collapsed on the floor, making me to scoot close to him.
"Are you okay?"he cupped my cheeks and I leaned into his touch before moving back and standing up , while clearing my throat.
"Of course I  am most certainly not" I raised my voice  and stared at the ground "you took me from my father , without my will" he looked uncomfortable and his breathing was laboured. He held the wall for support and I saw a hint of red in his eyes. He closed his eyes and they turned back to their natural colour.
"Do you trust me?"
Can I trust him?
I mean he just kidnapped me. I nodded my head slowly and he smiled
"I promise to return you to the palace. You just need to know some things" I motioned for him to continue and he smiled
"Here" he held out his hand to me and I place mine on his. He pulled me down the path and we walked into a house.
"Took you long enough" I turned to the direction of the voice and saw Kaleb who was by the way smiling as if I was a clown.

She won't understand
Yes! She will
What the hell!
"Argh how can she hear us?" Kaleb turned pale and chuckled nervously
"You guys should run along" I held Philip's hand making him to turn back
"How can I hear you people, how can you people even communicate in that manner?" He shook his head and motioned me to follow him , and just like a lamb led to sacrifice I did, without one question.

"You have got to be kidding me" the laughter couldn't stop and I could already feel tears at the edge of my eyes. I looked at Philip again but he still had that serious face
"So let me get this straight, my father isn't my real father and my mum is the ice sculpture I saw at the tunnels" he tried to talk but I raised my hand "not only are you making false accusations , you're also sprouting rubbish from your mouth" I paused and looked down "you're lying to me Philip" I tried walking out but I heard his voice again
"If I'm lying how do you explain your ability to turn water to ice" my blood ran cold and I took a step back
"How did you know that"
"Bobo I_"
"Have you been spying on me?" I took a step back and he tried to hold me
"No Bobo I  just_" I raised my hand and he stopped talking
"Bobo let me give you one last proof" I tapped my foot impatiently As he came with something that looked like a picture. I looked at it and gasped , trying to study it to see if my eyes were deceiving me .
"This isn't real" in the middle of two men was a woman, but one of the men was my father. The smile reached his eyes and his arm was around the woman's shoulders while the other man had his hand around the woman's waist. I looked at the woman and gasped
The resemblance was much. We had the same hair colour , nose shape,lip and even smile. The only difference was our eyes and mine was only a shade darker. I stared at Philip and put on a cold face, successfully hiding my tears while he kept his penetrating gaze on me
"Take me to the palace" he sighed and opened the door for me while I ignored the gesture although it made me feel giddy inside. We got outside and I saw Kaleb with an older version of him. They seemed to be in a heated conversation but soon stopped when we entered.
"Hello Dabobo" chivalry got the best of me and I curtsied, Making Kaleb to roll his eyes. Older version of Kaleb stared at me as if I wasn't there before he pulled me into a hug, catching me off guard.
"You look just like her" I chuckled and brought out the picture
"Who is she" he had a reminiscing look sighed
"She's your mother Bobo" another lady came inside and I raised my eyebrow at the older version of Kaleb
"I'm sorry, My name is Kaden O'Neil and this is my wife Mia O'Neil" I curtseyed at the woman then cleared my throat
"I believe you all owe me an explanation" I turned to all of them and smiled
"Mr O'Neil?"
"No please call me Kaden" I smiled and he motioned to the couch in front of him. I sat down and he continued
"The first time I met your mother was in her village. At first I though a maiden was trying to drown herself but when I went into the water to rescue her" he paused and had a sad smile on his face "I came face to face with a beautiful young woman. She wasn't afraid of saying anything and wasn't afraid of the results of whatever she did"

Mia held his hand  and he cleared his throat "she and your actual father with other people were chosen to join the LFP, which is the league for peace. Soon after she got pregnant with you , and I started having feelings for her. Her boyfriend which is your father and some other people plotted against LFP which made Seyi,Lucas and I to be on the run. Six months into the pregnancy you were born prematurely and the traitors were still chasing us so we created a diversion. I gave you to your late uncle Ayo, for safety while we told Seyi about your death ;only I knew where Ayo was taking you. Eventually we found out Lucas's true colour when we were separated again" I cleaned a stray tear and felt someone's arm around my shoulder. I looked at Philip and he placed a chaste kiss on my forehead before he motioned for Kaden to continue
"Wale captured Mia and I and eventually we found out Luke was manipulating them. To save us Seyi agreed to marry Luke but he gave her a ring and I'm not so sure what it does but she froze herself after I ripped the ring off her finger."
I shook my head and turned to Kaden. "So where do I come in, even if Luke isn't my real father, how did he get me" Kaden laughed and replied sadly "your late uncle gave you to him thinking he was me"  he went into a room and came out with a ring. I immediately recognised it as my father's ; I don't know how but I just knew it was my father's.

"You've been in the darkness for so long Bobo. I can help you" he went to his family and extended his arms "we can help you Bobo just give us a chance, we are your family Bobo" I covered my ears and screamed making all of them surprised
"My only family is my daddy waiting for me worriedly at the palace! So don't you ever say anything like that ever again." I snatched the ring and made my way towards the front door
"Oh and its Princess Bobo to you, not Dabobo ,not Bobo, not anything"

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