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Mature content ahead

"How do you expect me to do that?" he chuckled and turned to Bella's body
"The way you think you can" he bent down to her level and started pulling out the ice spear.
I sat on the ground beside him and watched as he pulled each spear from her body. Soon the body wasn't bluish anymore and I sighed in relief.
"Thank you so much philip" he ignored me and stood up
"you have a month"
"happy birthday! " The house was crowded with strangers and I got so disgusted. Apparently it was Bella's birthday and the only way I was  made aware was a set of strangers making their way into my room
While making out.
I looked around the house and shuddered in disgust

I should've just left her frozen

My mind went back to exactly a week ago when Philip helped me in removing the Spears from her body and he hasn't been making the whole 'flip my switch back mission'  easy.  I walked through the crowded house which now smelt of alcohol and gagged when I felt someone touch me.
"Hey let me tap that ass" I turned to the drunk person beside me as shook my head

You'll pay for this Bella

I pushed him away and that's when his drunk friends decided to show up
"Hello bitch" ugh I don't have time for this.  I channelled the alcohol in their body and froze it from inside causing all of them to freeze.  I smiled at my hand work and froze when I saw Bella in front of me
"Bobo I told you not to be a kill joy" I rolled my eyes and pointed at one of the boys
"they were being annoying Bella" she smiled the stalked towards me
"unfreeze them sweetie" she smiled then showed her fangs "or else"
I walked up to her
"or else what Bella" I spat at her and a guy from nowhere shouted
"cat fight" soon people formed a circle around Bella and I and started screaming
"cat fight! Cat fight! " ugh teenagers
" I don't have time for this" I spoke as I turned to walk away when I felt a force pushing me to the edge of the circle where a random stranger caught me and pushed me back to Bella

Yeah thanks a lot

"are you afraid of me Bobo? " I closed my eyes then opened them again
" Bella Nora  you have five seconds to break this circle and let me go" I really need to get to a phone right now.  I have to talk to Kaleb
"one" she smirked and walked closer to me.  I took a step back and hardened my gaze
"two" she took a chair and threw it in my direction which I ducked easily
"thr_" I didn't complete my sentence before she pounced on my and we both fell on the ground
"take it off! Take it off! " she touched my crop top and started pulling it.  I heard slight tearing sound causing me to push her off me
" you had your chance Bella" I brought water from the kitchen and froze her hand to the wall.  I looked at the slight tear in my crop top and sighed.

I need a phone!

I got to the center of the parlor which was their makeshift  dance floor and saw Philip with two girls.  One was grinding on him and he was feeding from the other girl. I felt a sharp pain in my chest when he brought her lips to his and quickly shook my head

I love Kaleb. I will be with Kaleb. I wasn't so sure of myself because these days each time I see Philip, my heart beat quickens and when I touch him, I don't ever want to let go. The mate bond wasn't taking it easy on me. Every time I see him, I always have the urge to kiss him and even do the nasty. I looked at him and took in his appearance
His hear was disheveled and aside the blood stains on his collar, his dress shirt was handsome.
I walked up to him and he ignored my presence making me to frown. I touched his palm and he pulled away
At least the mate bond is useful for something.
"I'm busy Bobo. Come back never" he continued biting the girl before her body got limp. The other girl that was practically dry humping on him soon offered her neck and I stood in front of him
"get away from him" she looked clueless and tried to walk through me.  I conjured water from the sink and pushed her to the wall
"stay. Away. From. Him" she still pushed me away so I froze her leg to the wall.  I looked at the flower pot beside her and made the plant to grow over her skin.  I heard someone clapping and I turned back to Philip who was making his way towards me
"I never knew you could be so possessive Bobo " he smiled then brought his lips to my ear
"it's sexy" he nibbled down on it and I leaned into his touch, making him to pull out.  I stared at him and blinked twice before clearing my throat
"I need something Philip" he smiled walking towards the counter
"come let's have a drink together" I walked there and sat on the stool which he pulled out for me.
He brought out a wine bottle then poured two drinks
"cheers" he clicked his bottle with me and took a large gulp.  I made the water slowly evaporate

And he poured another cup for me.  He was behind the counter and was drink quite much. I made the wine evaporate again  and he smiled
"you're are so slow in drinking Bobo " my blood ran cold and he pushed his cup to my lips
"here drink" his hands were swaying and I looked into his drunk eyes before staring at his outstretched arm. He smiled before coming close to me
"Come on Bobo " he came closer to my face and smiled
"just one sip" I connected the glass to my lips and took a sip before pulling out. I noticed our proximity and shivered when he traced my jawline. He pulled my face closer to his and I saw all the bottles of wine at his back.

Wow he drank so much

He kept his thumb on my lower lip causing my attention to go back to him.  Our breaths mixed and my heart beat quickened
"kiss me Bobo " I stared at him wide eyed and leaned away from the counter.  Philip sat on the counter and faced me in a way that I was in between his legs.
"Philip you're drunk" he pulled me up so that we were at the same height. He attacked my jaw with his kisses and my knees buckled causing him to hold me up. I felt a new found wave of pleasure and held his chest as his attack went to my neck. He got to a spot and I moaned causing a groan to come from his lips. He kept on licking the spot and biting it making me to moan again. He bit it then trailed his kisses up my neck and to my jaw which he bit down on again. He pulled out and stared deep into my eyes before looking at my lips
"Bobo I want to kiss you" he whispered and I started at his lips
"I'm not stopping you" he crashed his lips on mine and I found it hard to keep up to his pace due to the pleasure I was feeling. He kept a firm grip on my waist before moving to my butt and giving it a tight squeeze.  I moaned into the kiss as he carried me and placed me on his leg directly on top his groin which was hard against me. He started kissing me slowly and moaned when I bit his lower lip. He pulled out an went straight to my jaw and started nibbling on it. He bit it again I held onto his chest
"ah Philip! " I moaned and held onto his shoulders. When I felt another slight pain on my neck. He sucked my neck and trailed kisses to my collar bone where he bit down on again. He held on to me then jumped down from the counter before pushing me to the wall. 

I felt moisture in between my legs as he rubbed his member against me while attacking my collar bones with kisses. He pulled me away from the wall and opened a room.  He closed the door then continued his assault on my collar bones making me to moan again. He bit down on it and made his way under my crop top. He rubbed my sides before unclasping my  bra. He massaged my left nipple and my Leg shook as I moaned into his chest
"Philip ah" I whispered harshly and moaned when he gave it a gentle squeeze. He stopped his assault then raised my crop top over my head before flinging it aside along with my bra.

He kissed down my chest before taking my left nipple in his mouth. He pushed me to the bed and began sucking my left nipple while massaging my right one.  I held his hair and pulled it when he bit down on it. He kissed my stomach  and bit it making me to whimper. 

He came back to my face and assaulted my lips with his kisses. Suddenly, he stopped. I looked up at him and suddenly felt exposed under his gaze.  He pulled me to his chest and planted a light kiss on my fore head
"I don't think you want me to do that princess. Especially when I'm like this" I hid my head in his chest and he removed his shirt
"here" I collected it and wore it.  He brought my face to his chest before massaging my scalp.  I sighed in satisfaction and he chuckled

"Bobo please look at me" I raised my head and stared deep into his eyes
"go to sleep" oh my God!  I should've known.  I felt all my will power leave me as I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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