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"Father!" I ran to my father and we met in a hug
"Where did thy take you? Are you okay?"
"Daddy I'm fine" I chuckled as we walked towards the throne room. He sat on his chair and I sat on mine which was by his left.
"Daddy can you be honest with me" he turned to me and held my palm
"Anything princess" I brought out the ring and held it to him
"What's this daddy" his eye balls were flashing from brown to red before they finally settled on brown
"It was mine before. Please throw it out" I held the and flung it outside taking note of where it landed
"I think its time you know the truth" his eyes casted down and a tear dropped "promise me you won't freak out" I nodded and he motioned for the guards to leave us.
"I gave my soul to the devil , or at least that's how I can describe him. In exchange for immortality I gave my soul to the devil. Centuries ago a set of warriors just like those I was among defeated the devil and casted him unto that very ring. The ring was passed unto kingdoms for protection and safe keep hence where I stumbled upon it as a boy. When I wore the ring the devil promised me great power and immortality, which is why I stopped aging at 25. He wanted to have his revenge on the warriors that banished his spirit into the ring, which was why I made sure to get into the LFP ; to get his revenge. Soon enough we found out that the main person that banished him into the ring is your mother's descendant an_"

"Wait!" I looked up at him shakily and stood up "who is my mother "
"Faseyi" I brought out the picture and kept it in his face. He nodded and I sat back down
"The only way he could get his revenge was if I freed him and myself from his clutches, so I manipulated your real father and your step aunt , making them look like the enemies meanwhile it was me all along. I got your mother to wear the ring but to free the devil we had to sacrifice a life" I looked down and my voice cracked
"Mine" I cleaned the stray tear and stood up
"Bobo please try to understand me, I love you so much I'd never hurt you, that was why I abandoned the ring and everything"
"You lied to me father!" I chuckled darkly then shook my head "you're not even my father" my voice broke at the end.
I need to know everything about me and this whole conjuring of water
"I'd still love to be your father ; if you give me the chance" I just couldn't help it I jumped on him in an embrace and his arms encircled me
"I love you daddy, you're the only one I've known as family all my life" he kissed my forehead and I leaned into his chest "but daddy, I want to know my real family, you'll still be my dad but I don't think its fair on them" he nodded the held me closer
"I understand princess, I'll arrange you a trip to the place Tomorrow" I thought about it and shook my head. They still had doubts about him and the situation wouldn't be okay for them and also they might feel threatened
"Don't worry daddy , I'll go on my own"

It's official I am a bundle of nervousness. I've never been outside on my own! All I know are the castle walls
Breathe Bobo, take deep breaths
I opened the curtain and sighed in relief as the sun kissed my caramel skin. I got to my closet and opened the door. The smell of strawberries filled my nostrils. I walked towards the section labelled riding attires and opened the glass door. I took out a sleeveless baby blue gown that was short and riding trousers. I went to the shoes sections and picked out a pair of ankle boots. I went to my room and wore the clothes. I packed my hair and left it puffy, making the attention be on my face. I walked out of my room and walked into my father's
"Daddy I'm leaving" he turned towards me and adjusted hi attire
"You look beautiful Bobo, you have your mother's face" he walked towards me and cupped my face. He searched my eyes before planting a kiss on my nose.
"I'll miss you princess" I laughed and hugged him
"I'll only be gone for a few hours daddy" he wore my coat for me and did the buttons "don't talk to strangers Bobo, did you take your dagger" I touched my side and felt it underneath all the clothing
"I'll be fine daddy" I pecked his cheek and walked outside. I picked the ring from the side of the floor where I threw it yesterday and hid it in my satchel where, water , drying cloth and fruits were.

I mounted my horse, Midnight , and wore the hood of my coat , making sure it covered the sides of my face. I waved my father goodbye and stirred the horse towards the direction of the market.
"Do you want some bread!? I'll sell it to you to half the price " the whole market was noisy and I gave my horse a little nudge urging him to go a little faster.
I looked left and right , confused about the turning and decided to take the left one. I rode for a while before the familiar house came to view. I pulled the reins of the house casing him to come to an abrupt stop. I jumped down and landed with a thud. I tied the reins to one of the pillars and walked towards the front door. I dusted my outfit and felt nervous all of a sudden
Just open the door Bobo, nothing's going to happen to you, well maximum is that they'll send you out of their home. I smelt the familiar aroma of pie as I pressed the door bell.
"I'm coming! Just a sec" I turned to my satchel and crosschecked everything in it.
Okay so fruits,ring , dry cloth ......
"Bobo?" I turned to Mia and gave her an awkward smile
"Can I come in?" She opened the door for me and I stepped in
"I brought fruits?" It came out more like a question and she chuckled as I passed it to her
"They've all gone for practice" I smiled at her and followed her to the kitchen
"Well do you want to make pie?"

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