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"Come again next time and thank you for choosing Gladys's" the woman thanked me and I held the bags tighter.

I had the perfect clothes for Dawn and I and I'm certain that she was going to love them

I crossed the road and started my long walk back to the motel.
How do I get Philip to flip his humanity switch on?
How do I reach Kaleb?
These questions flooded my mind and I scratched my head with my free hand and sighed. I crossed the road and walked straight into the motel. Monica wasn't by the counter so I made a bee line to my room and dropped the bags on the bed. I ran back downstairs and waited on the lobby chair for Monica and Dawn to come from wherever they went.

Minutes turned to hours and I began tapping my foot impatiently. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 2:30 pm. I stood up from the lobby chair and walking into the room labeled kitchen
"Monica are you...." I paused and stared at the sight before me. Tears blurred my vision and I choked on a sob. Blood was everywhere and in the midst of it all was Monica. I looked around for any signed of Dawn before running out of the kitchen. I ran back to my room and packed all the things I bought into the bed sheet before tying it. I took pieces of my clothes from earlier and used the longest to tie my hair together. I carried the bag and ran downstairs. I got to the door step and turned back

I couldn't believe I was about to do this

I ran to the cashier before emptying its contents into the bed sheet. I ran across the street into a phone booth and  dialled the familiar number. It rang twice before the receiver answered it
"This is the O'Neill's how may I help you" Kaden's voice rang through the phone and I spoke up quickly
"Mr O'Neil its Bobo , please don't hang up!" I rushed the sentence and waited for the familiar flat tone of the call ending but got nothing
"I'm listening" I sighed in relief before speaking up
"I gave a little girl your contact, in case of any emergency and I can't find her please can you ask Kaleb if he got any calls or anything" the other end was silent before  Kaden spoke up
"Kaleb is not home right now" I sighed before hearing the usual flat tone signalling the end of the call.
I went back into the hotel and dropped my belongings into the room before going downstairs and returning the money. I went back into the kitchen again but Monica's body wasn't there.

I looked around for any sign of life but saw non.
I heard a sound from the kitchen and looked around before coming across another door. I opened it and saw Monica drinking animal blood. I shuddered at the smell and she turned around.
"Monica" I said as I took a step back. She looked at her bloodied hands before she started crying.
"I'm so sorry" I pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back soothingly.
"I hid her" I looked at her confusingly before she smiled at me
"Your daughter" she smiled and pulled me towards a cupboard. I opened it excitedly but got sad when I didn't see Dawn in it.
"Dawn isn't here Monica" I turned to her and she smiled
"There's a tiny door leading to a tunnel" I poked my head in then felt a sharp pain on my back before blacking out.


I felt the mate bond get stronger as I stepped into the motel. I looked around before spotting a woman behind the counter
"Hello " she raised her head up at my greeting and smiled at me
"Good day sir, how may I help you?" I met her gaze and stared into her soul. I finally out her in a trance before speaking
"Do you know Bobo" I asked and her eyes glazed over
"Yes" I smiled.
"Where is she?" I asked her and her eyes glazed over again
"At Orlando's but she left her child with me" Dawn, perfect. I smiled sweetly at her before picking a strand of her hair
"Be a candy and get me a shot glass" she brought one from the shelve then dropped it on the counter. I let go of her hair and bit into my wrists. I kept it on the shot glass and watched my blood drip into it.
"Here" I said as I passed it to her
"Take a drink" she obeyed and emptied the glass making my smile to grow even wider
"You see what's gonna happen? You're going to bring Dawn to me" she nodded and was about to go. Tch funny lady
"Wait lady, if you can't find Dawn in five minutes, slit your throat" she looked frightened and fought against my compulsion but I was obviously stronger than her. She walked into the kitchen and I took my seat on the lobby's chair.

Bobo thinks that she can run away from me, such foolish thoughts. Luke is back at the apartment with Bella and I have to get Bobo ; so that I can turn her.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen seeing the lady's pathetic look of fear before I called her
"When you wake up after your death you will bring Bobo to me" I looked at my wrist watch and smiled when she picked up a butcher's knife
" in three,"  the knife was on her neck
"Two" she added pressure causing it to draw blood
"One" she slit her throat.

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