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"what is this place?" I looked around the icy forest and saw a path

Hmm maybe there was something there. I walked towards the path and came across a tomb stone. The whole place was decorated in ice flowers, ice flakes and many ornaments.

Why would anyone want to be buried here. Yeah the place is beautiful and all but its still cold and a little creepy

I knelt down to see the name on the tomb stone and I gasped

"Dabobomi" I shook my head and stood up.

This place isn't real. I'm here! I'm alive!. On the grave laid an amulet which caught my eye. It turned from bright red to dark yellow and as I gasped it turned to brown. I picked it up and stared at it in awe and picked it up.

"wear it" I looked around for the voice but I saw no one but statues and ice.

Well here goes nothing. I placed the necklace around my neck and I felt a shock jolt round my body and something compelled me to control the ice.

Wow, how did I do that!? I looked around and felt a newfound confidence. I got to the entrance of the mountain and the ice guard bowed to me.

"Are my duties to you over M'lady" hmm this place seems surreal and sacred. And the person who created it probably wants it protected

"no, protect this place, I guess" I turned towards the ocean and took a deep breath

Well here goes nothing

I raised the water to my level and allowed it to engulf me. I sank deep into the ocean and manipulated the vines into a small canoe. I came to the surface and sat backwards. I pushed my hands forward and the canoe started moving with great speed. I got to a forest and the canoe jerked backwards then stopped

So much for confidence boost. I came down and stared around. The place was really beautiful and it felt like home. I walked deeper into the forest and decided to camp for the night.

"rise and shine" what. I rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly

"phlip....?" Wait hold your horses Bobo Philip!

I stood up and rapped a plant around him

"you bastard, you killed her!"

"Dabobo calm down!" I took water from the plants then slapped him across his face.


"I'll kill you!" I formed a spear made of ice but before I could strike him, he was in my front

"the damned necklace may have given you skills but you're still a newbie" he hit some muscles and the water dropped with a splash. I tried to raise it up but then help my shoulder in pain

"don't bother, I blocked your chi" I glared at him and he pulled me along

"where are you taking me Philip? Let go of me!" he groaned and turned my gaze to his forcefully

"I want to take you to your husband and family, ugh dammit! Just stay out okay?" I pulled my hand from his forcefully and turned my back to him

"he's not my husband" my eyes stung and I looked away

"what happened?" I cleaned my eyes and smiled. This shouldn't affect me. Kaleb shouldn't have a hold over me its just, I was growing to like his and he really hurt my feelings.

"Mtcheew!" Kaleb turned to me then smiled

"here" he removed his jacket and placed it around me. I blushed and muttered a quiet thank you. I looked at him and oh la la his abs looked yum. The shirt hugged his figure and the 'v' line was obvious underneath the white shirt. We got to a car and he opened the passenger seat for me before entering his own.

We got to a house and he entered but I bounced back and fell down. He chuckled and went in. I sat on the ground and I saw something gleaming in the sunlight.

"Philip please do something about" I paused when I saw the knife in his hand and I took a cautious step back. He dropped the knife and sighed

"the knife is not to hurt you Bobo, as you know the house is spelled and your blood has to be on the door step to get in" I narrowed my eyes at him and he sighed angrily

"fine, stay outside for all eternity" he took the blade back and I called him hastily

"Philip!" he turned back as I took a step forward. He came outside the house and held the blade across my wrist. I winced and waited for the pain but none came. I opened my eyes and sighed angrily

He should just get on with this

"do you have a thing with blades" I nodded and he dropped it into the house and came out

"do you trust me" do I? I looked into his eyes and ignored the question. He took my wrist and kissed my pulse

"Philip...." He ignored me and planted another wet kiss. What the hell

"argh!" I screamed in pain as he bit me but as quickly as his fangs sunk into my skin he brought them out. I watched my blood stain the front of the door then disappear. Philip stepped into the house then looked at me

"please come in Dabobo" I took a step in and he smiled.

"biting her wasn't necessary Philip" I turned to the voice and my gaze met Kaleb's. I ignored him and Philip rolled his eyes

"she was afraid of blades"

"so your fangs were a better option!" Philip hissed at him the walked into the kitchen.

"Dabobo" his arms engulfed my body and I almost got carried away

Keyword almost.

"Bobo, I thought I'd lost you" he held my chin and I stared deep into his eyes

"I already told you Kaleb, I want nothing to do with you or your family"
"you are my wife"
"not anymore" I gave a light chuckle then walked into the kitchen. I took a look at my wrist then sighed when I saw the healed wounds, which were now fading. So healing powers comes with water powers? Cool!

I got to the kitchen and bumped into Philip

"where's Mia and Kaden?"

"they're with your mom, or er her ice sculpture"

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