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"She should be awake by now"  I squeezed my eye lids and turned to my side. I felt someone poke my head and I pushed the hand away.  I heard a chuckle and opened my eyes. I met Philip's  gaze and turned away immediately
I came down from his bed and studied his room

For a vampire his room seems alive.  He pulled me to his chest and we landed back on the bed
"don't you want to continue from yesterday" he said seductively as he trailed his fingers up my arm. I shrugged his arm away from my body trying to ignore the feeling at the pit of my stomach
"I hate you" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my stomach
"Come on Bobo, don't be a downer" I felt my anger flare and the room became cold
"Bobo Bobo Bobo, you can't take a joke can you?" I turned to him and eyed him
"So what happened yesterday is a joke to you?” I spoke as he stood up from the bed
" yes pretty much" I felt disappointed and stood up
"You're leaving already?" He tried to wrap his arms around me but I ducked.
"I hate you Philip and count my words I will find Kaleb and he will take me far away from you" I said viciously and something flashed in his eyes before he smiled
"Bye" he really didn't care.

I walked to the door and heard his voice 
Again "oh and if you need a car I'll gladly give you Bella's" I blinked to avoid the tears from falling and walked outside, slamming the door shut.
What the hell was wrong with me yester night? I mean I could've easily said no.

Damn you mate bond

I got to my room and made my way to the bathroom. I did the necessary and chose a short gown with pantyhose and a pair of boots. I made my way to the front door and opened it

Wow I was expecting some lock of some kind

I stepped outside and heard Bella's voice. I turned to her and she had a stake aimed in the direction of her heart
"Bella" I raised my two hands and motioned to the stake
"Put it down Bella" I spoke with a shaky voice and pointed at the stake
"I can't Bobo" she was crying and quickly cleaned her face
"You have to step in Bobo" I shook my head and she broke into another fits of tears. Luke and Philip came from the shadows and I wanted to punch that smug look away from their faces. She raised the stake high and I called out to her
"Bella!" The stake pierced her ribs and he face turned pale. Philip chuckled and Luke took a seat beside him
"Such a heart felt performance don't you think Bobo" Philip said and I glared at him
"You'll pay for this Philip" I narrowed my eyes at him and heard a whimper from Bella. The veins in her neck was turning blue and she was slowly desiccating.
"Bobo please don't go anywhere" her voice was hoarse as she struggled the words out of her mouth. I closed my eyes and took a step in. She pulled the stake out then collapsed on the wall.

Philip and Luke were busy laughing while I was at Bella's side trying to ease her pain a little. Philip place his hand on his cheeks before turning to Luke and whispering something in his ear. Luke smiled and turned to Bella and I
"Dabobo please step away from Bella" I felt my will power leave me as I moved back before hitting the front door
Luke smiled
"Perfect now get out" I turned the doorknob and Luke called out
"Leave the door open while you're at it love" I stepped outside and heard a horn at my back
"She's here" Philip said as a little girl came into view
"Philip please no don't hurt her, I'll do anything" Bella cried and I faced them
"Luke let me go" Luke smiled and shook his head
"No can't do princess" I stared in horror as the girl ran to Philip's open arms
"How's my baby doing" she smiled showing an incomplete set of milk teeth
"Remember what I told you back there" she nodded and smiled. She opened her back pack and brought out a scissors
"Good" Philip said and she smiled
"Now do what uncle Philip asked you to" she took the scissors and drew a long gash on her hand.
She walked towards Bella who was trying to get away from her
"Why are you doing this Philip" she cried and clutched her chest in pain
"She's my sister! Philip don't make me do this!" Her canines were slowly coming out and Philip laughed
"That's sorta the point  " Philip said as he rolled his eyes. I slowly focused my energy on the garden outside and made the flowers to creep towards Bella slowly without any of them noticing.
"Bobo why are you so silent?" I ignored Philip and kept all my concentration on the plant.
"Bobo please get her away from me" Bella screamed and turned to the little girl
"Dawn, D can you hear me? Follow Aunt Bobo. Snap out of it" she ignored Bella and inched closer
"Dammit" Bella's eyes turned red and just as she was about to pounce in her sister, the plants bonded her and I used my energy to push the plants to the wall causing Bella to stay that way. I used the plant to pull Dawn to me and I sprinted out of the property.

I heard laughter from behind me and faster my legs to move faster. I got to a crowded place and his between two buildings ; unfortunately beside garbage. I looked around and saw a payphone beside me. I cussed myself for not having a nickel and gave a sigh of relief when dawn brought out a quarter. I kept it in and dialed the familiar number.
It rang thrice before he picked it up
"O'Neil's resident how may I help you" I heard the sound of Kaleb's voice and felt emotional all over again
"Hello, are you there?" I tried to open my mouth but no word came from it
"I'm going to hang up now"
"Kaleb!" I heard a pause on the other end of the line and dread filled my veins at the thought of him hanging up.
"Kaleb its me" I heard shuffling before Mia spoke up
"Hello , who's this?" I cleaned the stray years on my cheeks before speaking up
"Its Bobo" Mia gasped before the line went flat, signaling the end of the call.

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