HAVE SOME CHOCOLATES OMG *throws chocolate at you*
You just woke up and felt something in your stomach that wasn't normal. As you tried to get up cramps filled your body and you realised that your period has started.
"Shit" you said and you fast walked into the toilet to change.
As soon as you changed you went straight back to bed because the pain was unbearable. The cramping was coming and going repeatedly and you just tried to close your eyes and get some sleep. After cuddling the teddy bear (Y/B) gave you, you tried to relax and forget about the pain and soon fell asleep.
Hours later, or so you supposed, your phone started ringing. Startled, you grabbed your phone and answered "Hello?" groggily.
"Hey babe, where are you?" (Y/B) said.
"I'm still in bed, what's up?" you replied.
"Oh I just called to ask you what you want for dinner." He claimed.
"Hmm, can you get us some pizza please? I'm really craving for some pizza right now" as soon as you said that your belly started growling.
"Of course, pizza will do. See you in a bit babe" he said smiling to himself.
"See you, love" you said and closed the phone.
About half an hour later, you heard the door closing. You knew that (Y/B) came home so you tried to sit up slowly and go greet him.
He beat you to it because he came to the bedroom first.
"Hey, babe I brought the food. Come on, let's eat" he said and kissed your head.
You smiled and slowly walked into the living room to find the pizza waiting for you with a bunch of chocolate and sweets next to it.
You awed at him and hugged him for at least a minute.
"Thank you babe, I really needed some chocolate as well" you nuzzled your head in his chest.
"Yeah I knew you'd say that, you love chocolate" he said and laughed. "I also knew that your period started by the second you said you're still in bed"
"Ahh you know me so well" you said and poked his sides.
He giggled and grabbed your hand as you sat on the couch ready to eat some pizza.
Yo, I'm really craving for some pizza right now fml .-.
So I guess you know why I wrote this scenario rn.. MOTHER NATURE CAME AGAIN *bawls eyes out*
I'll survive, don't mind me xD
Last preference for a while bc exams start next week, wish me luck :O
I'll be damned if any of you read these honestly xD

BTS Preferences
FanfictionSome BTS preferences for you to enjoy reading! This is all fiction, none of what is written is true. Enjoy all this fluffiness of your favourite 7 boys. I update randomly :) DISCLAIMER: This is my work. If I see anyone stealing this, you will be rep...