Jungkook Imagine: Illusion

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Hello, this is something different than my other scenarios.

I hope you enjoy! 😊

She was an illusion.

That's what she was.

And Jungkook knew it.

He knew it.

Maybe not from the start but eventually he found out.

Everything was a lie.

Everything she ever said, she ever did.

It was nothing but a lie.

Her love was a lie.

It hurt Jungkook after he found out but he couldn't stop his love for her.

But then he reminded himself that she was just a lie.

Every little thing she did to him was a lie, a special illusion to trick his mind.

He scolded and beat himself for not realising it sooner but he was just a man loving a woman, who happened to be just a facade.

Nothing more but a facade.

As much as Jungkook loved her at the beginning, he despised her just as much in the end.

His heart and soul despised the only person that made him feel like no other person in this world.

She made him feel loved.

Feel wanted.

But no.

She had to ruin it.

She had to be a witch.

Her love was a lie.

Her love was a lie.

Jungkook couldn't put his head around it.

All those loving touches.

All those breathtaking kisses.

Those addictive kisses.

They made Jungkook crave her lips even more every time she pulled away.

But he found out.

He found out that she was just a witch set to curse him and make him fall in love with only one woman in his life.


A wretched witch that knows no more than playing with people's hearts.

She played with his.

Now he has to play with an innocent person's heart as well to get out of the curse she put on him.

But he wouldn't do it.

He wouldn't dare do what she did to him.

He just wanted to be in love.

Instead he found a witch that wanted nothing but to toy with his soul.

So he prepared himself for a journey.

A journey to kill the woman that broke his heart and teared him apart.

The woman he so much loved and despised.

His illusion.


I know I'm not updating as often as I used to but I have a lot to do and I'm having a crazy time rn but I'll post whenever I can! Thank you for the support :)

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