[I'm just laying in bed, not knowing what to do. I just binge watched 2 movies without getting up and dragged myself upstairs to my room. It is now 23:45 and I'm just thinking... What if Bangtan weren't as nice as we thought? What if they acted mean towards the girl cleaning their dorm because of their own stress? What if they let that poor girl starve almost half the nights of the week? Would that make them attractive? Would that make them good or kind hearted?]
I'm just picturing it like this:
"(Y/N), where the hell did you put all my clothes?! I told you I don't want you to move them!" One of them said.
[I'm just picturing that the girl is afraid of them. Mostly because they're hostile towards her for no reason.. Okay, maybe because she's a foreigner and she can't speak Korean well..]
"I-im sorry, sir. I'll find it now!" The girl says.
"Hurry up, I need to leave!" He says as he passes by her and pushes her shoulder on purpose.
The girl sighs in tiredness and looks into the wardrobe and the shelves for the clothes. Once she finds them she leaves it on the bed and moves towards the kitchen. But not before she met another boy.
"Where were you? Why do we have no ramen in here?! I thought you were in charge of buying the food for us. I'm hungry, go get me some ramen from the store. Guys do you want ramen? (Y/N) will go get it from the store!"
A chorus of yes' were heard and she was out of the door in 1 minute. He didn't give her any money so she had to pay with hers.
'Great, another night where I don't eat' she thought to herself.
She sighed for the millionth time today and walked to the shops. It was kinda cold and she didn't have any coat on so she tried to walk faster to warm up.
Once she was in the store she got the ramen everyone liked (since they nagged about it for so long, she learned which one to buy for each one) and were about to walk away from the aisle and pay. But a certain chocolate caught her attention and she reached out for it.
She went to the till to pay and took out basically all of the money she owned and gave it to the person. He said it wasn't enough for all the items and that she had to cut something back. She sighed and put the chocolate away as he gave her the change and put everything in a bag.
She greeted him goodnight and walked out of the store. She was soon in the dorm and 3 of the boys almost tackled her and took the bag off her hand. If it was possible they would have ripped her arm out.
She almost frowned but refrained herself and walked to her room. She rubbed her arm on the way as she heard the eldest yelling "boys, time for food".
They didn't even bother to call her for dinner but it wasn't a surprise since this has been happening for quite a few nights of the week now. You always eat separately "for the sake of their stomachs". The last thing they want to do is eat with her present.
It seems like they despise her so much but she couldn't quit so easily because the pay is way more than the previous times.
She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower as they still ate and quietly went into her room.
She called her parents and told them that her day was okay and that she ate a lot and she was happy in Korea when that was a bunch of lies. They sacrificed so much for her; the least she could do was tell them she was okay in another country far away from home.
As she hang up, the tears immediately started showing in her eyes. She cried quietly as she sat on her bed and watched how the night evolved from the tiny window she had in her room.
Her privacy was quickly interrupted as she heard a knock on the door.
"Uhm, y-yes?" She said with a creaky voice.
"(Y/N) we finished dinner, come wash the dishes" one of them yelled out.
"O-okay I'll be right there" she said as she wiped her tears as best as she could.
She walked out and into the kitchen at once as they actually made the effort to bring their dishes to the kitchen for her to wash tonight.
She started cleaning the dishes when she heard a crash behind her.
"Oops! My bad" one of them said sarcastically as he smirked. Some of them laughed while some of them simply walked away, leaving her to clean all the mess.
She felt a pain in her chest as if something is wrong but she swallowed it and picked up the broken pieces of the bowl one of them broke.
"Huh you're pathetic, look at you" one of them said, in partial, disgust.
She got up after picking the broken pieces and threw the last remains of the bowl in the dustbin but she felt that chest pain again. She clutched her chest in pain and made grunting sounds as she fell to the ground unconscious.
[Now that right there, is only a part of what was happening to the girl. My imagination can take me into more places, definitely with some bad things and maybe with a few good things happening. But let's not forget... Bangtan is mean to her in this imagine and it takes a lot of work to change 7 minds. But will they regret what they have done to her or not? Ehh, I guess we'll find out another time ;) Or maybe not!
You CHOOSE what I do.
Continue this or not?]

BTS Preferences
FanfictionSome BTS preferences for you to enjoy reading! This is all fiction, none of what is written is true. Enjoy all this fluffiness of your favourite 7 boys. I update randomly :) DISCLAIMER: This is my work. If I see anyone stealing this, you will be rep...