5. Piercings

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Enjoy munchkins!

Jin: "Jin, oh my God I did something very fun today!" you said in the phone. "Should I be worried?" "What pff no.. When you come home I'll show you." When Jin came home you run to him and hugged him. "Okay, what did you do?" he said taking of his shoes and coat. "Well, don't you see something different on my face?" you smiled widely. His eyes widened and he said "YOU GOT A PIERCING?!" "Yeah you like it?" he paused for a while and then said "Sure hunny I love it" and smiled at you.

Rap Monster: You were scared to tell Namjoon that you got a belly piercing but it was something you always wanted to do. Your strict parents never let you have one so you got one now that you are independent. "Hey so I have something to show you" you nervously told Namjoon. "What is it?" "...I got a belly piercing" He looked up at you and got up from the couch. "Can I see?" You pulled your shirt up and he touched it. You winced and he stopped touching it "Sorry babe I didn't mean to hurt you." "It's fine, it will take a few days until I get used to it" you smiled.

J-Hope: "(Y/N) I did something" Hobi came to the living room and told you. You looked at him, waiting for his explanation. "I GOT AN EAR PIERCING!" "OMO YOU SCARED ME HOBI! I thought you cheated on me or something" you hit his arm "Ow! I wouldn't do that, ever. Not now that you hurt me" he murmured the last part. "HEY, I heard that" "Haha I'm sorry jagi, wanna see my piercing?" "Sure pabo" you said smiling.

Suga: "Guys, guys look! Suga and I got matching eyebrow piercings!" you exclaimed. "Ohhh, that's dope (Y/N), let me see!" Jimin said excitedly and came closer to you to inspect your piercing. "Hey Chim Chim, back away from my girl about..... A meter would be good, yeah" Suga stated and protectively came in front of you while you laughed. "Well, let me see yours then" Jimin suggested. "What the hell, get away from me" Suga said and flailed his arms towards Jimin making everyone laugh.

Jimin: You wanted to get hip piercings and you wanted Jimin to be next to you to hold your hand because you heard that it was very painful. You went to the piercing shop holding Jimin's hand tightly, not letting go. Once it was your time to get your piercings done, you sat down and looked at the procedure. Soon the piercing guy was done and you slowly stood up. You slowly put your shirt on and paid. When you were in the car Jimin asked "How are you feeling?" "Great actually, thanks for tugging along" you smiled and grabbed his hand.

Taehyung: Tae was thinking of getting a lip piercing lately and you supported him. You loved piercings and had a couple of your own so it didn't bother you that he wanted one. You might have rubbed it in his face every time you got one so he actually got one to show you that he wasn't afraid of them. He posted a selfie on Twitter and everyone went wild and he loved every second of it. You kissed his lips and told him "See, that piercing brings another Taehyung out of you" and winked.

Jungkook: Kookie had piercings on both of his ears and you were quite jealous of them. So one day, without telling him anything, not even where you were going, you got 2 on one of your ears. He called you repeatedly but you didn't answer, you wanted it to be a surprise. When you arrived home he hugged you really hard and screamed "WHERE WERE YOU? I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU ALL DAY, I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU!" "Babe, chill. Look I got piercings on my ear!" Flabbergasted, he pulled you to the couch and looked at them. "Woah they're really cool." "I know." You smiled excitedly.

Hi :) I don't like piercings but I wrote a preference about them lol oh fun. Hope you enjoyed ^_^ More are coming soon


Published 4/7/2016

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