Hi I'm back and this time I have an one shot. Enjoy!
Torn clothes
Jimin stood at the bus stop, waiting for the bus while shivering. He knew that these torn clothes weren't fit for this November weather but unfortunately he didn't own anything else. He shivered again as a gash of wind came suddenly which made him clutch onto his thin jacket even more.
He found an empty seat and sat down. It was early in the morning and everyone was rushing to go to either their work or the city centre. Jimin worked to get his everyday money but it still wasn't enough. He worked at a bookstore and even though he was poor, books where his only friend and companion.
No one wanted to hang out with the poor kid.
Jimin thought about how his day would go today and figured that he would just be sitting behind a desk reading a book and watching customers come and go while they paid for their books.
As a really shy person, Jimin would only talk if he was needed but with the customers he was getting better. He was insecure about the way he dressed because people would look at him up and down and he would blush so hard like he was being judged every second of the day.
He couldn't do anything about it since his parents didn't have enough money to put food on the table let alone buy him and his brother new clothes. He didn't mind though. He was okay with it as long as people didn't make fun of him, which was often. Too often, which is what made him so insecure.
He sighed and got up when he saw an old man waiting for the bus as well. He offered him his seat.
"Please take my seat, sir" Jimin said and smiled at the old man.
The old man looked at him with gratefulness and said "Thank you, my boy".
Jimin stood again and waited for the bus. Gosh, why does it take so much time?! It's too cold here.
As soon as he said that, the bus arrived. He looked in his pockets and sighed in relief when he found the exact amount of money he needed for the bus fare. He put it in and was handed the ticket by the bus driver while muttering a quick 'thank you'.
He went to a seat and sat down while the bus filled up. There were only 2 or 3 seats vacant when suddenly a boy around his age with seemingly expensive clothes and sunglasses on his head run into the bus, panting. He was probably running.
Jimin looked at the boy with amazement. He didn't know how someone who looked so stylish could use this bus.
The part where Jimin lived was a bit of the suburbs so he couldn't figure out how someone who looked rich could take this bus to the city centre.
With these thoughts in his mind again, Jimin looked out the window and put his head on it. He didn't realise just yet that the rich boy who was looking for a seat just sat beside him because there were no more seats available.
He was startled when he heard an "Ugh" next to him, like someone was frustrated. He turned his head and looked at the rich boy that was looking at his iPhone and combed a hand through his hair.
The rich boy turned his head to look at Jimin who was now staring intently at him and said a bored "What's up" with a small nod of the head.
Jimin's eyes widened as he muttered a "Hi" and looked away as he could feel his cheeks burning up. He looked out of the window again and closed his eyes.
But he just couldn't not ask. He contemplated a lot in his head if he should turn and ask the rich boy a question. He finally found the courage and turned to rich boy.

BTS Preferences
FanfictionSome BTS preferences for you to enjoy reading! This is all fiction, none of what is written is true. Enjoy all this fluffiness of your favourite 7 boys. I update randomly :) DISCLAIMER: This is my work. If I see anyone stealing this, you will be rep...