35. Intoxicating Scents

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Second part of the surprise :)

Jin: The smell of his delicious food. Sounds corny and weird, but whenever he cooks, your house becomes like a different world. He knows how much you love it when he cooks for you because he makes delicious food that puts you in a trance until you taste it and congratulate him over and over about his cooking skills.

Rap Monster: You love how his room in the dorm smells like whenever you visit. He has reed diffusers that smell amazing, each time you visit a different one. His favourite ones are Vanilla and Cranberry and Jasmine and Sandalwood. Because he loves them so much, you started to love them too and you ask him whenever he orders new ones to get you some for your room as well.

Jhope: Hobi loves the smell of your perfume. The aroma makes him intoxicated just by smelling it. He always knows that it's you, even if you blindfold him and make him smell 10 women, he will definitely pick you just by smelling your beautiful perfume.

Suga: You are in love with Yoongi's cologne. Even Yoongi knows how much you love it and always makes sure to buy the exact same one every time. He knows you are more comfortable when you smell his cologne but when you hug him and the scent of it hits your nose, you fall in love with him even more.

Jimin: Jimin loves it when you get out of the shower and you smell of vanilla because of your shower gel. He goes crazy over it and you know it so you make sure to always get the same brand. He always hugs you on purpose right after you get out of the shower because he wants to smell your scent.

Taehyung: This fluff ball loves how your shampoo smells. He might even try and use it on himself but you scold him about it and tell him that it's a woman's shampoo. He always smells your hair when you get in bed and cuddle. He sighs in content and holds you close to him so he can sleep with your scent every night.

Jungkook: Jungkook loves the smell of detergent and clean clothes. Whenever you put laundry you always make sure Jungkook knows it because he loves to come and smell your clean clothes right after you wear them.

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