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“How long will that pants be ironed Alicia!?”


“Alicia! Bring the mop here and clean the floor! Muffin spilled the milk on the floor!”

Again? Teach that cat to use a straw!

“Alicia! Where did you put my Science book? My gosh! Irish and I are going to be late with your turtleness! Gosh!”

Look who’s talking! I wondered if she is really my cousin or from Galapagos.

I heave a sigh in surrender. Really guys? There are three of you and there is only one of me here? What are they thinking? I am the greatest Naruto who can replicate himself with just a blink of an eye? For your information I am like a tornado here on its strongest.

Alicia. Alicia. Alicia. One name used with different intonations by three different people with only one purpose, to order me like I am their paid worker. Duh. I scoff and roll my eyes. This is a usual event in the morning. Pfft. Nah. I am already used to it.

“So, is that pants ready?” Aunt Marina appeared in front of me, her hands are on her waist and her eyebrow is raised. I controlled myself not to laugh or even show a slight hint of amusement seeing her on her underwear and green blouse. She looks like a seal in a tee.

“Uh, yeah? I guess so.” I answer, giving the cream colored pants one last press.

She grabs it from the board, wears it, then turn around to leave without saying any grateful words to me. I shrug my shoulders and unplug the iron. Well, like I say, I am just a lowly servant of my own house. So why should I expect them to say thanks for my help?

I grab my backpack from the couch and sling it to my shoulder. I see the back of aunt’s car rounding the curve when I close the door. She always drive my cousins to school, while I take the school bus.

I lock the gate and tuck the loose hair behind my ears. I have to walk fast to the bus stop or I will not be able to catch it.

The bus stop is near the park and I can now see my bestfriend, classmate, and seatmate, Helen, craning her neck, looking for me. I check my watch and I am still five minutes early for the only transportation I have to school. Beside her, are our schoolmates who are so busy checking their watches, and talking.

“Oh, there you are! I am glad! I thought you’ll be late again like yesterday.” Helen jumps at me and holds me in both shoulders.

“Never again.” I scoff and roll my eye. “I woke up late yesterday, that’s why.” I beam a smile at her and rub the back of her palm.

She was so furious yesterday because I was absent from our two classes in the morning and she was forced to make excuses for me. The real reason was that aunt Marina told me to cut the grass in the lawn as they needed to be trimmed already. The reason? She will be inviting some friends for a barbecue this evening.

Helen already knew my situation at home because we’ve been friends ever since I learned how to walk. Our moms were bestfriends too, and when my parents died she wanted to adopt me, she even contested it to the court,  but I still have living relatives so she lost the case. But I couldn’t be called a guest in their home because I stay there until I am needed in the house.

My train of thoughts is cut by the honking of the horn. I adjust the jacket I am wearing as the bus stops in front of us. Since Helen is a demure lady and always moves with grace, we have no choice but to occupy the seats at the back of the bus. Well, she’s a gracious lady. Make up, sense of fashion, shoes, bags, those are the things that differed me from her but I do not know why we still clicked.

“I think we should focus more on your walking, Nel. You walk like an old lady with a bad hip and knees.” I say, elbowing her. I earn a slap on the arm and both of us laugh.

She loves to call me ‘Ylla’ a  reverse form of my nickname ‘Ally’ so I also call her ‘Nel’. Before I used to call her ‘Neleh’, but I settled on ‘Nel’, but sometimes I still call her that, but on special cases only.

“You’re complaining too much. Here.” She whines, giving me a bud of her earphone. I take it from her and plug it to my ears.

Oh, it is our theme song, Christina Aguillera’s Beautiful. Helen and I love to sing along with this one no matter where we are. So that means this bus is not an exemption.

//I am beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can’t bring me down.//

We give each other a high five after the last note and laugh. We are glad that only few are paying attention at us since most of the students inside are buried on their own thing.

Yeah. This is a tough girl. I am not giving up. One day, my life will be better. I just have to hold on to my dreams and work hard for it. Until that day comes, I have to work and live daily with my only relatives in this world.

I just needed a few more amount of sacrifice and patience which are thinning from me. Oh good God, please bless me more of it. I still needed those. Please extend my generosity and strength as well. I still have so many works in the house that only a man can do. When I grow up, I should reconsider being a wrestler or a weightlifter.

Well, I guess I am a man trapped in a woman’s body.


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