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Aunt Marina and my mom weren’t biological sisters. Mom was just adopted by aunt’s parents when she was eight years old. That is what aunt told me when she ordered me to move out of my room and give it to Irish. That I should always be grateful to her and her family for letting my mom in in there house, a debt I can never pay. She even told me that if she will count everything she did to me and to my mom, this house will never be enough to repay her.

When I was young, my aunt and my cousins would come for a visit, that was when my parents were still alive, I felt jealous of their straight blonde hair. They looked so pretty and so like a Barbie. I was envy because my hair was brownish black or the other way around, and it still is today. Both of my parents had hair like mine. Since Irina and Irish were so beautiful to me, I always played their servant while they played princesses.

But that was before. I do not want to be blonde anymore just to be like them. They have beautiful faces, but they are mean and rude.

I turn on the music on my phone and put on the earbuds again. The music is interrupted by a text message. It is from Helen asking me to go to their house and that her mom baked some pie and is roasting a chicken.

Oh shoot! I totally forgot it is her parents’ wedding anniversary today! Why didn’t Helen remind me in class when we had the whole day together?

I put on my sneakers and hoodie after texting her back. I see Muffin on the rug when I get out of my room. She runs as soon as she sees me. Ha! You should be scared of me furball!

My housemates will not be back from their nightout until 1 a.m. It’s still 7 in the evening so that means, I have a long time to be free.


“I totally forgot that it is your anniversary today!” I say to aunt Shirley when she opens​ the door. She smiles widely at me and she is in a dress. “And you look lovely.” I add, giving her a hug.

“It’s fine Ally. Come to the kitchen.” I hear Uncle Bart called from the kitchen. His voice echoing on their walls.

“I’ll be there.” I call out.

“Helen, come down now. Ally’s here!”

“I’ll be there!”

Aunt Shirley ushers me to the kitchen and I see Uncle Bart setting up the table. This is unusual, a man is setting up the table? And boy, he’s a good cook too.

Both of them are half Filipino-half American. That is why Helen is so beautiful. She is so fair skinned, more like pinkish. My dad was a Filipino too, and my mom was a Spanish. Helen appears on the kitchen door with a wide smile painted on her face.

“What’s the matter with you?” I ask.

“Guess what.” She replies, holding both of my arms. She then whispers to my ear. “Joshua texted me that Justine asked for your number.”

“What? No! No, no, no ,no. Not happening!” I shake my head a million times. It almost cause me to fall from my seat. Suddenly the smile on her face turns into a frown.

“Oh, really? Cause I already gave him your number.”

“What? How could you do that to me?” I answer, trying to pinch her on the side.

“What is the matter about girls? You both look excited. So tell me. I'm all ears."

“Mom, Justine Summers wants Ally’s number.”

“Oh, the guy that you’ve been in love for a very long time already honey?” She faces me and looks puzzled.

“How did you know that aunt Shirley?”

“Helen told me. You know girls your age can’t control your emotions, and your mouths. I even know Joshua Alberts is texting her.”

“And we also know that you have Justine Summers handkerchief.” It is uncle Bart chiming in.

I bury my face in my hands in embarrassment. Oh no. If both of them knew already, the whole world will surely know about this.

“I just hope you did not tell Joshua that I have a crush on Justine.” I face Helen and point my finger at her.

“Oh no, I did not. I swear, cross my heart, Ally.”


“Okay, that’s enough. Let’s eat now. I am starving.” Uncle Bart says as he put the chicken on the table.


We go up to Helen’s room after we helped the couple with the dishes. My phone vibrates and when I check it, it is from my vbf.

‘I am fine.” I reply. “Why did Jesus die?’

If it is really a legit app, it will give me the same answer with Simsimi. The reply come after five minutes. How come it took it a very long time to reply? But the good thing is, I feel relieved and conclude that it is really a legit app. It gave me answer similar to Simsimi’s. The reason why I am so reluctant to use that app is that I am afraid that there is really a person behind it that is replying to my texts. Not Helen, but someone out there who knows Justine Summers and will expose my secret to the entire world. That is the only question that will prove my doubts wrong, ‘Why did Jesus die?’

Smiling to myself, I slump beside Helen on the bed.

“Why are you smiling? Did Justine text you already?”

Oh, that question brings back the irritation I had earlier. Why did she give Albert mt number without asking me first? I hate this girl.

“Aw! What was that for?” She asks with a frown when I slap her arm.

“That is for giving my number away without asking me first.”

She pouts at me and acting hurt.

‘Anyway, Justine told me that your hair clip was cute. That was after you left and hid in the toilet. So I will be giving you some of mine. I haven’t worn them to school yet so you can have them. Here.” She says, giving me five of her clips.

Really? Justine liked the hair clip I wore today? My, my, I should buy some girly stuffs if my monthly allowance from the bank arrives.

“Okay, I am not pissed with you anymore since you are giving me this hair clips. Thanks!” I say, fastening the red one on my hair.

Sorry I cannot tell further the vbf thingy. Haha. I do not know how to lose it.

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