Chapter 1||the jade winglet

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Moon: our first dare!
She was waving a scroll in the air frantically, kinda like what Kinkajou would do.
Kinkajou: What is it, what is it, WHAT IS IT?
Winter: give me that!
He snatched the scroll from Moon. Her face was bright red and Winters jaw dropped open and handed the scroll to Qibli who soon joined the gaping as well.
Umber: what is it?
Kinkajou was giggling after reading the scroll.
Kinkajou: Moon has to do 7 minutes in heaven with Qibli while Winter watches.
She was now cracking up laughing.
Qibli: lets just get this over with
He lead Moon and Winter to another room and Turtle started counting. After 7 minutes Turtle brought them all out. Winter was sobbing, Moon was severely blushing and Qibli was dazed with a bit of guilt on his face, clearly feeling sorry Winter.
Kinkajou: whoa, what happened to you guys?! I was not expecting this reaction . . . actually I was expecting that.
She said shaking her head as she changed her mind.
Moon: who made that dare? It was horrible! No offence Qibli but, I didn't want have my first kiss for the pure purpose to upset Winter.
Qibli: none taken.
Although his words said he was fine his face said otherwise.
Turtle: sooooo, who wants to study 'till our next truth or dare?
Everyone else: FIIIIINE!
They went off to the library complaining.
Kinkajou: oh, by the way Moon, @RandomStoriWriter was the one who sent the dare. I think that he or she is a night wing but, even then that is quite a weird name.
Moon and Winter: I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!
They went full speed ahead towards the rain kingdom.

Thank you to whoever reads this! I really hope for plenty of truths and dares. Next is the dragonets of destiny! Sorry that this chapter is so short.

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