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For @SandyTheSandWing:

Kestrel growled as the dragonets started to defend the lazy rain wing. What was so wrong about facing a fact? It's not like they have seen the war to know how bad it is. These dumbos wouldn't last a day in the real world and they were FOUR now. Gosh oh mighty! Shut up before I slice off your snouts! Kestrel hissed in her mind. Webs was getting told about how I had scolded Glory and once again he was the hero. Stupid sea wing. Why did he have to steal a princess? There was plenty of deep blue eggs ready to hatch from what the talons told me. Now he can't retreat back to the kingdom of sea when it is really necessary.
"ENOUGH!" Dune roared while limping in. "Kestrel is doing her so there for Glory must of stuffed up. Stop being so ungrateful!" He hissed making everyone cower away except for Kestrel. She wasn't scared of the old fool. Well at least he has a brain like me. Kestrel rolled her eyes as Sunny started crying with Webs comforting her.
The rest of the was filled with bickering until everyone collapsed from exhaustion.

Hope it was good enough! Enjoy Sandy!

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