The jade winglet

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Turtle: So your little love session is over?
The prince looked up from his scroll as Winter and Moon walked back into the library. It had been 15 minutes since the rest of the winglet had left.
Winter: we actually finished 2 minutes after you left and started searching for Peril because I haven't seen her or Clay in a while and Moon was worried of what Peril might of done to Clay.
Kinkajou: either you've heard the rumours and your being awfully rude to Peril or you're both brainless twits.
Moon: what rumours?
Umber: seriously? You have mind reading powers and you haven't heard a single thought about Cleril.
Moon looked up in recognition and beamed.
Moon: OH! Thaaat rumour! Yeah, well you see there's a few rumours passing through everyone's mind and I didn't know which one you meant!
Winter: yeah, suuuuuure. Well no one ever told me and I don't eavesdrop unless it's important
Qibli: probably because everyone is scared of you.
The sand wing popped out from behind a shelf of scrolls and head locked the ice wing before racing down the hallway swinging his tail around so no one could get near him.
Turtle: how long has he been here? I thought he went back to our dorm to sleep . . . and probably suicide (A/N: I am not encouraging self harm or suicide. I am raising awareness of the stupidity of the world this chapter so don't take it wrong way!!!)
Umber: Kinkajou, I dare you to go join in chasies with Winter and Qibli.
Kinkajou: we're still playing that?
Turtle: I guess...
Umber: shoo!
Peril: where's Kinks goin'?
Moon: *cough cough* Cleril *cough cough*
Peril: what?
Turtle gags Moon and throws her in a cupboard
Umber: NOTHING!!!!
Turtle: what has this winglet come to?

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