Fine then 😑

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Glory: hey guys, sun time is starting to get boring. And lately I've been thinking about true or dare so, let's do a few rounds.
Tsunami: and what if we refuse?
Glory: remember when I spat venom on Scarlets face?
Tsunami: ok! Sunny, truth or dare?
Sunny: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh... dare?
Everyone else: ... seriously?
Sunny: what doesn't everyone choose dare?
Sunny looked down sadly as everyone glowered at her.
Clay: who am I kidding? We can't stay angry with you!
He put a wing over her in a reassuring way.
Tsunami: I dare u to tell mother that she is the worst queen for locking up a queen, a princesses and the dragonets of destiny.
Sunny gulped.
Sunny: ok
She fearfully took of to the deep palace with everyone following her. Glory started making herself look royal to show off.

A few hours later

Sunny: Queen Coral? Your majesty? I have some royal inquiries to discuss in my mothers name?
Sunny knocked on a large marble door.
Coral: ah yes Sunny! My favourite sand wing princess!
Starflight: I think you're forgetting she's the only sand wing princess.
The other dragonets strolled into the palace mischievously.
Sunny: I think you're the worst queen for locking up a queen, a princess and the dragonets of destiny! I really don't! Tsunami dared me to! Sorry for wasting your time! Also mother wanted to know if you would be joining her party to celebrate a year since the war! Think about! Bye!
She stuttered as she tried to be as quick as possible and leave the sea wing territory. Coral looked a little confused, but nonetheless respectfully bowed her head at Sunny and continued confronting her council on how to rule the kingdom.
Tsunami: well that was boring. Why didn't she snap at you?
Glory: 'cause she's Sunny.
Tsunami: good point.
Sunny: Starflight, truth or dare?
Starflight: truth.
Sunny: how is your dragonet going with Fatespeaker? Truthfinder isn't she?
Starflight started furiously blushing and everyone gave him a 'well that was fast' look.
Starflight: she is 4 months old now and like Moonwatcher has mind reading powers. We're not sure if she has prophecy powers yet so I won't say to much, but Sunny I told you that was a secret!
Glory: you are way to dumb to not realise that Sunny can't keep secrets. Well while we're here lets do a confession session.
Everyone giggled at Glorys joke even though it was horrible.
Clay: Peril layed an egg 2 months ago.
Sunny: yay! 2 of my friends are going to be fathers!
Starflight: I am a father.
Sunny: you know what I meant!
Glory: I have a 1 month year old dragonet. Deathbringer and I call her Firefly.
Starflight: CANON!!!
Glory: like you can talk!
Tsunami: I'm pregnant ang Riptide is the father.
Everyone gaped at her in surprise, only just noticing the slight swelling in her belly.
Clay: well that was awkward! Anyways, we all have things to do so see ya later!
Everyone else: bye
They were embarrassed by the secrets they had told, but continued to act normal.
Tsunami: wait! Sunny didn't confess!
Sunny: I feel guilty for rejecting Starflight.
Everyone just nodded in acknowledgment and took to the air.

Well I really like the idea that there is a junior dragonets of destiny lol. The Jade winglet doesn't count. Now, I'm sure u guys would like this book a lot more if u actually participated. Plz don't judge me off my first book, I know it was a horrible fail. Plz just comment ideas and read this. I promise to do any of ur ideas!

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