Chapter 2||dragonets of destiny

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Sunny: lets play truth or dare again.
Glory: why? The game is horrible!
Sunny: we got a request letter.
She handed Glory a scroll and started begging. Glory skipped through the letter then sighed.
Glory: I'll go get the others.
The rain wing flew off for a while before returning with the other dragonets of destiny.
Clay: So, is it a truth or a dare and who is it for.
They were eager to get the game over with.
Sunny: it's a truth and, it's for Clay. I'm going to read it out now: When is Clay proposing to Peril? From @RandomStoriWriter.
Starflight: must be a night wing. That's the only species that match such a bazaar name.
Clay: I don't know when I will propose. Right now she seems to like Tsunamis younger brother more than me, so I don't know if I should propose or not.
Tsunami: Turtle!!! YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!!!!!
She said chasing the green prince who was writing in a scroll nearby.
Glory: Starflight call for Fatespeaker.
Starflight: *sigh*. Oh Fate-ie (so ppl can't make a joke 'bout it) can you go save prince Turtles life before his older sister kills him.
Fatespeaker (I don't know where she came from so don't ask): yes Starflight!
Clay: Glory, truth or dare?
Glory: I love how you don't get a choice but, I do.
An evil smirk spread across her face.
Clay: fine! You get dare! That's what happens when you tease me! Also I dare you to actually propose to Deathbringer like, ring and all.
Glory: *sigh* okay.
Sunny pulled out a nice ring from her pile of treasures (given to her by her mum) and passed it to Glory.
Glory:*sigh* Deathbringer!
A night wing poked its head into the cave enterence with a grin.
Deathbringer: yes?
Glory: will you marry me?
She said holding out the ring turning her scales the same black as his
Deathbringer: yes I will.
He said coming into the room now and presenting her with a kiss.
Deathbringer: Glory?
Glory: yes?
Deathbringer: did you seriously forget we're already married?
Glory: no, it was a dare.
Everyone else: what?!!
Glory handed the ring Sunny gave her back and walked off with Deathbringer.

So much marriage! I hope you guys enjoyed, this chapter was really fun to write. Please leave plenty of truths and dares! Also who is ur fave ship? Leave it in the comments and read my next chapter!

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