Going back

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Hey I'm back with another chapter hope you enjoy~

Third POV

"So let me get this straight", said Nagisa. "You guys thought that Karma and I had...'It" and therefore tricked me into coming into the hotel room while not knowing that you were putting him through hell?"

"Yes kinda" Megan implied. Nagisa was currently sitting on the bed with an injured Karma, dabbing ointment on his burses

"If you were going to do that then why did you ask first if we actually did 'IT', last I remember I woke up fully clothed" she snapped.

"That still doesn't explain the marks on your nec-"said Asano just before a hand covered his mouth.

"I know and we're sorry we'll make it up to you how does lunch sound" offered Megan while still covering Asano's mouth

"But we can't go back, that waitress doesn't want us to go back" implied Asano

"Plus Karma can get us banned from there" added Nagisa

"Why not the beach" said Karma

"I don't think-"was the ending sentence before Asano was once again interrupted

"I'm the one who was injured so what I say goes and we're going to the beach" said Karma

"But-"stammered Asano

"Looks like we're going to the beach" announced Megan.

"Why am I constantly being interrupted?"

~Three hours later~

Nagisa Pov

"Why did that take three hours?"I groaned

"Because we had to wait for the water to be at the right temperature" exclaimed Megan

"Or because you couldn't pick what swimsuit you wanted to wear" replied Asano

"Women" uttered Karma under his breath

"Excuse me, for your information the swimsuit choosing only took two hours and then I had to take pictures" Megan snapped.

"Taking pictures takes one hour?"questioned Asano

"Of course not, before I was about to take pictures I got a call" she muttered. "Anyway while we are at the beach we must enjoy it to the fullest"

"Before Karma ban us again" claimed Asano.

"I don't think he can do that" replied I signaling towards Karma's bandages. Meanwhile he was setting down blankets and the umbrella.

"Race you to the water" yelled Megan as she already charged forward. Asano started spiriting and they both landed in a tie somehow.

I sat next to Karma on the blanket. He was starring at a family. The parents were holding hands while the little boy stared collecting seashells. The little boy was running around with a smile on his face.

For some reason the little boy reminded me of Karma. I don't know how but it does. He was still looking at them. His eyes showed almost no emotion when looking at the family, however there was a hint of sadness lingering around.

"Karma?" I asked. No answer

"Karma" I asked again. Still no answer. I wonder what he is thinking; he seems very intrigued with this family,I wonder why?

"I hope" started Karma, "That the little boy, doesn't get left alone"


Author's Corner

Okay hear me out before you kill me but I have my reason. In my school if you want to go the dance you have to earn it with your grades and because I'm stupid I need to start doing better on my assignment as well as getting better scores on my test. And with the addition to my family getting free time is a lot harder, but I still love him, he's so cute a little my baby Chihuahua. Plus l recently got the evil case of writer's block has gotten to me so this is all I can give you for know.

Whatever get to the important part

Why are you here again I thought you were at the ice cream bar in the beach

I was then they ran out of Ice cream, so tell then what are you going to do for my name

Oh right before we get into any more confusing topics, I actually have a plan for all the names. For all of you who pitched in a name I'm forever grateful, but since we are this late into this story I don't think it's a good idea to add a name now, So instead I make a short story about it

That's right so pitch in a name before time up

Anyway thanks for reading this chapter and hopefully we'll see you in the next one Bye~

Discalimer: Pandamon does not own any of the characters (Except Megan)or the amine this is purely fan based and it not to be taken seriously by any means

EDIT(2024): Hi so, uhhhh this was suppose to be a five part but the chapter were deleted because I had planned at the time to condense it into one. So very sorry for the confusion. Also the whole name things got out of hand forme at the time. That chapter is never gonna come, sorry 

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