Part 5. A flash from the past (1/2)

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Hi it's me again and I'm back with a new chapter. This chapter is what it's titled "a flash from the past" because I'm running out of ideas and why not. Also I starting to realize that I'm getting really bad at titles. Anyway enough of me talking lets get on with the story

Chibi karma pov

'Hey, hey wake up' I said. I saw Karma constaly moving trying to go to sleep. He couldn't find any comfortable postion, but who could when once a person has realized that they are in love with their best friend. Poor guy just fell asleep and he looked tired after such a long day. So I decided to wake him up. We had so much to talk about.

Karma pov

I kept feeling a tapping on my forehead. I knew exactly who it was. I could smell the scent of cheesecake, chocolate, and strawberries. "Hey wake up" said the little demon. "Hey get up" ,he repeated. It was getting annoying. I decided to get up. I don't know why or how but I did. "Finally I should have done this sooner "," what the hell do you want ","we need to talk "," couldn't you have talked to me when I was awake "," because I was busy eating ", said the little devil. "Oh really "," while watching you suffer, I didn't get a chance to raid the buffet because you ex destroyed my appetite "," did you at least get me something "," no but I always carry a sandwich with me, why do you wante it you guys had a picnic "," your not the only one who was sick to their stomach "," we'll thank you  for bring up the horrible memory "," Sorry "," well we have more important things to talk about than food, so tell me how do you feel about nagisa," he said. I felt my face heat up and small beads of sweat dripping down.


"I only think of her as a friend"


The little devil hit me with stick."HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR", I shouted. "For not being true to your feeling" he responed. He picked up the stick again and said "lets try this again how do you feel about Nagisa". I responed with the same answer.


HE HIT ME AGAIN. I swear I was going to kill him. We went on like this for a while. I dn know how long. I just hope she doesn't wake up.

Nagisa pov

I was haveing trouble sleeping. There was a bit a noise in the background, but that didn't bother me. The dream i was having was the one takeimg my sleep.

~Dream aka flashback~

"Karma-kun", I shouted. It was the first day of 8th grade and I was so happy to see him again. "Hello Nagisa~chan", he responed with a smile. I felt my face heat up a bit. I admit I liked him ever since 6th grade. He is very handsome and kind."It's nice to have my best friend in the same class with me", he said.

Students pov

'Poor Nagisa-chan, just how dense is Akabene", thought the praying eyes that watched the two A spear with the word 'friendzone' had just stabbed her chest. Many frown, other just looked at him with shame. What only a few noticed was a pink haired girl with a huge smile on her face after watching the event. Soon the bell rang and everyone left to their classes.

Back to nagisa

"Ne Nagisa~chan why do you look so down," he asked. "I don't want to talk to you," I said in response. After that incedent I don't even want to look at him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Come on Nagi-chan don't go all tsundere," he said" I'm your best friend remember". I felt a blush on my cheeks but it dissappeared once he said friend. Friends. That's all he thinks of me just a good friend. At least it's better than nothing. "You're right", I said "we're friends". I forced a smile. "Thats the spirit," he said as he relased me from his grip," I know we are back in a place that feels like hell, but at least we have each other". We walked to class before the bell rang and took a seat but there was no available space for the two of us. I sat in the very back and Karma sat in the second row to the front next to a girl with pink hair. She wouldn't stop staring at him and would always blush when he was near her. I was super jealous. I wish I was in her seat right now. I don't think I learned anything in class. The bell rang. "Oh students I forgot to tell you all something," he said," these will be your seats for the rest of the year so I hope you all chose wisely,". WHAT. He did not just say that. "He can't be serious" said Karma," Sorry Nagisa~chan". My mind went blank. "Don't worry I'll be alright we still have P.E. and lunch together", that was all I could muster. We left for P.E. and got into uniform. Qe got to be partners for this class so that was good. It went like that for two months until

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