Meeting the Family

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The taxi ride to the hotel was fairly uneventful, except for Ron's rather stupid questions. However, Hermione was more concerned with meeting the family she hadn't seen in over seven years. 

"Hmmm..  I wonder, does this have an 'engine' as well, Hermione?" Ron asked thoughtfully, and the slight snicker that the driver released brought Hermione back into reality.

Closing the partition, she hissed, "Shut up, Ronald!"

Scowling childishly, Ron did as she had requested, but that certainly didn't keep him from glaring at her every once in a while.

Hermione, however, didn't notice this, as she was back in her trance, thinking about how she was going to deal with her so-called "family". If her mum wasn't exaggerating, they weren't going to pass up an opportunity to embarrass her, so she needed to be perfect. 

When they arrived at the hotel, they paid the driver, and quickly ducked behind a bush, lest any member of the party see her. 

Snatching her wand from her purse, she transfigured her clothing into something a bit more "fashionable", while still staying modest. She applied a charm to her hair to make it fall down her back in what seemed to be effortless curls. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but she felt as though she looked, at the very least, decent without it. 

"What was that for?"

"You've never met my extended family, and I was really hoping that you wouldn't have to," Hermione replied grimly. "They will use anything as ammunition."

Then, realizing something, Hermione waved her wand, turning Ron's casual clothes into something a bit more classy. She contemplated gelling his hair back for him, but decided against it, as, personally, she hated it like that, though Aunt Sidney thought it looked "simply dashing". 

"Hey! I looked fine before!" Ron cried indignantly. 

The look Hermione gave him was enough to silence him. He hadn't really known that her family was that bad. Checking her own wristwatch, she said, "We should get going, don't need anyone to worry." Not that they would, she reminded herself. 

The pair made their way over to the front entrance which was, actually, quite elegant. There was  a lot of greenery, and the lighting made it all the more beautiful. By now, it was a bit dark outside, so the beauty was enhanced. 

Ron and Hermione walked in, each rolling a suitcase behind them. Ron made a beeline for the front desk, and said, "Hi, umm... We've got a reservation for a suite, under Weasley."

By now, Hermione had caught up to him, and asked, "What are you doing? I booked a regular room."

Smiling at her confused expression, he replied, "Harry owns the place, remember? All family gets a suite every time they visit. Oh, and speaking of which, switch Jean and Dan Granger into a suite, too, please." the last part directed to the receptionist. 

Clicking away on her desktop, she made the requested changes, and gave them the keys. Grabbing the bags, Hermione thought, Time to face the music. I wonder if this is how Harry felt when he went into the Forbidden Forest, to Voldemort. 

Shaking her head slightly to clear all of these thoughts away, she followed her husband through the throng of people that were blocking them from the seating area in the lobby. 

"Hermione!" a shrill voice cried, and the woman in question cringed. She'd recognize that voice anywhere. Aunt Sidney.

"Hermione, how wonderful to see you!" she faked, embracing her in a tiny hug, which Hermione knew wasn't real. 

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