Day 2 (Part 1)

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Today was not going to be a good day. Hermione knew this the moment she woke up. It was a dark, rainy day, and it didn't seem like it was going to get any better. 

When she rolled out of the bed, she decided that today would be a lazy day in. She certainly didn't want to have to face her family at breakfast, and so she used the hotel telephone to call her parents' room, and told them that she was going to call up food in her room. The given excuse was that Ron wasn't feeling all that great. 

Twenty minutes later, she heard a sharp rap on the door. Being careful so as to not wake her husband, she tiptoed to the door, and accepted the plates of food. She set them down on the small table, and decided to wake up Ron. 

"Mm.. five more minutes..." Ron grumbled when she shook him. "Five.." 

Hermione giggled, and shook him harder. His snores grew louder, and sighing, she just decided to leave him like that. 

Getting up off the bed, she reached the coffee pot, and brewed a cup of coffee. Inhaling the aroma deeply, she sighed once again, but this time, contentedly. As a child, her parents would take her on road trips, and the smell of coffee always reminded her of the time she'd spent in the car with it. 

Suddenly, a sound came from the bedroom, which sounded like a suspicious mumble of "food". Hermione just laughed, and used her wand to levitate the plates of food, and the two cups of coffee. 

Upon entering the bedroom, Hermione noticed that Ron was sitting up, and rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"So you'd rather wake up for food than for your wife, huh?" she teased, settling onto the bed herself. She then placed a plate on each of their laps, and handed him his mug of coffee. 

"Ha ha." 

"You're right. It's very funny. In fact, it's so funny, that I suggest you go tell all of these jokes to Courtney and Haley. I'm sure they'd love to hear them, right?" 

Ron's eyes widened comically, and he was close to spitting out the mouthful of coffee. "No," he gasped, when he managed to swallow the blistering hot coffee. 

Hermione laughed, and gently thumped his back. "Alright..." she teased. "I won't..." 

Ron glared at her playfully, but resumed eating his breakfast anyway. Both of them finished in silence, and when they were done, she put the dishes outside for the housekeeper to take. 

"Alright, Ron, we've got to get ready; apparently, we're going to have this big party in the hotel's party room. Everyone's going shopping, so dress accordingly." 

"No!" Ron shouted. "I'm going to be stuck with your horrible uncles!" 

"Yes, well, at least you're not stuck with Courtney and Haley. God, I wish I could just hex them!" 

"True," he mused. "I feel very, very bad for you. They're the worst of your entire family." 

"Of course they are. Their fathers are the snobbiest of all of Dad's family." Hermione explained, rummaging her suitcase for the perfect outfit. "Aha! I'm going to get changed, and then we have to go down. If we stay up here any longer, they're going to think that we're avoiding them."

"But we are!" Ron cried, holding up a pair of jeans. 

Hermione laughed, and said, "Yeah, but they don't need to know that."

Then, Hermione retreated into the bathroom, where she changed into her outfit, but she didn't miss the mumble of, "Why not?" 

Then, Hermione retreated into the bathroom, where she changed into her outfit, but she didn't miss the mumble of, "Why not?" 

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