Day 2 (Part 4)

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After arriving at the hotel's event room, Hermione and Ron were surprised to see that most of the setting up was already complete.

"How did they finish this so fast?" Ron asked, staring around. It truly looked gorgeous.

Right across from the tables was a dance floor, with a small DJ booth up front

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Right across from the tables was a dance floor, with a small DJ booth up front. There were many lights aimed at the dance floor. Currently, they were turned off, but Hermione was certain that they would look magnificent once the party began.

"Harry has definitely outdone himself with this place. It's amazing," she remarked, taking in everything.

Ron agreed. Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw a small flash of silver, and assumed that it was a tray that a very  tall waiter was carrying. He was about to walk over to offer help, when he realized that the tray was not being held; rather, it was levitating in the air.

"Hermione," he hissed, nudging her. "Hermione, look! The staff can do magic!"

"Oh!" Realization dawned on her. "That's probably how they got set up so fast!"

Suddenly, another waiter burst in, and whispered something to the first, who was making trips to get all the food. When he heard this, he paled, and began to scurry around faster, as the other man left in a brisk manner.

"Wonder what he said. Unless the Minister himself is coming here, I don't understand what the rush is." Ron said, watching the entire thing.

"Well, I think that we've got enough problems on our hands to worry about," Hermione whispered grimly. "Look."

Aunt Sidney and her family were making their way over to Hermione and Ron. Thankfully, Hermione's mum and dad were also at the entrance, and so, dodging the other Grangers, they made their way over to the two parents.

"Mum, Dad, thank god. We were actually going to have to talk to Aunt Sidney and Uncle William two minutes ago," Hermione sighed, clearly relieved.

"Hermione, is it just me, or does the hotel seem to be in a frenzy?" Jean Granger asked, ignoring her daughter's comment.

Ron answered for her. "Yeah, it actually does. And what's more is that the entire staff, apparently, can do magic..."

"Really?" Hermione's father asked.

"Well, they won't do it now, since the Muggles are here, but that's how they set all of this party stuff up," Hermione replied.

"Why would they -" Mr. Granger started, but was quickly silenced by the arrival of Courtney and Haley.

Courtney was dressed in the ugliest, most horrible outfit ever, and it was far too revealing for a reunion party. Haley would have won second place in that competition.

Courtney's dress was a pinky-nude color, and was truly atrocious. Hermione, however, wasn't too surprised by this, because Courtney had always tried to go bold with her fashion choices, even though they often didn't turn out right.

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