Day 3

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Warning ⚠️: There are some references that you may not approve of in this chapter but it is nothing explicit, I swear. Just some mild teasing between friends, but if it makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this chapter, or just the part involving Hermione and Hannah. If you do choose to skip the chapter, rest assured, it's not too important, unless you'd like to see more of Ron and Hermione's relationship.

Hermione's morning was nothing unusual. She woke up, forced Ron out of bed, got ready, and went down for breakfast. Of course, she did have be careful with her still sore feet, but it was nothing out of the ordinary.

At breakfast, Hermione and Ron had to inform the rest of the rest of the family about their plans for the day, and, as expected, Courtney and Haley scowled at the mention of Hannah, or, as they called her, "mean, stupid dress lady."

Aunt Sidney wasn't too pleased about this either, but Uncle William was quick to point out that the bright side was that at least they didn't have to deal with the "brat" for a day.

Of course, all of the anti-Hermione family members secretly (meaning not really secretly) agreed with this, and with Ron being Ron, breakfast turned into a huge argument, resulting in a lot of red faced Grangers (and Ron) being politely asked to leave.

But that wasn't abnormal. A bit uncalled for, but not out of the ordinary. However, it didn't stop Hermione from growing angry.

Upon reaching the suite again, she erupted.

"Ronald! How could you?"

"Me?" He asked, astonished. "I was defending you!"

"I didn't ask you to! I am not someone that needs to look to you for protection from my damn relatives!"

"You're my wife!" He shouted. "I bloody well have a right to at least yell at anyone that insults you! And give them a good punch in the face, too."

"I can take care of myself, Ron! I thought that you knew that, considering everything we've gone through!" She exclaimed angrily.

"I know you can, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stand idly by, and let those- those people," he spat, "be so rude to you! It's not right, and I'm going to react like that every time, whether you like it or not!"

"I know, Ron. I get how you feel, but you've got to realize that I've dealt with them for all of my life, and I'm not that little girl who used to hide behind her parents now. I've grown up, Ron, and it's about time that you do, too." With that, she left him to go to their room to collect what she needed for her trip to the cafe.

"I'm going to go, Ron. I'll be back - well, sometime. I'm not sure."

"You don't have to leave for another hour, at least," he said stiffly, standing in the same position he was earlier.

"I know," she murmured, and all that Ron heard after that was the sound of the door shutting.


"She hates me, Neville," Ron sighed, gripping his drink.

"I wouldn't say hate, but I get why she's mad at you, yeah," came the reply. "Especially after the whole thing she went through with Bellatrix, you ought to know that she's capable of handling herself."

"Why couldn't marriage be easier?" He moaned, after taking a swig of his Firewhiskey.

"It's Hermione, mate; it's going to be much worse for you," Neville told him jovially. "I'm lucky that Hannah is much less temperamental."

"Oi! That's my wife you're talking 'bout. But anyway, Harry has it much worse. Ginny is so stubborn that she could make a tornado turn away."

"Speaking of, have you heard from him recently?"

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