Day 6

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The chatter around them was pleasant. 

The sound of an airport was something that Hermione officially loved. Especially now that this was her ticket away from her vicious relatives. 

"It's a shame we couldn't have stayed a few more days," Ginny sighed, glancing around. Though she was still amazed by the everything Muggle in airports, she'd been on a couple flights, the latest being the one she'd taken to France. It had been enough exposure to the scene that she knew the basics. 

Hermione snorted. "No, it's not. I don't want to even imagine running into more family, and, knowing them, the resulting scene would have been horrible.  I am beyond thankful we're leaving."

"Aw, Hermione, love, don't be so harsh," Ron grinned, and Hermione gave him a playful glare and a relatively soft punch in the shoulder, knowing he was only joking. 

"Says the person who was ready to run -- screaming --when he met them." 

"Well, I didn't. Doesn't that say something about my character?" He rearranged his features to give her a puppy-look, and she had to laugh at that. 

"Sure... Just says that you're a bit stupid, really. I would have run," Ginny commented, adjusting the sunglasses that were nestled in her hair. 

Ron threw a mock pout at his sister, Hermione's laughter intensifying, and Ginny's own giggles joining in. 

Just then, Harry returned, gripping a cup holder, which had four coffee cups in it. 

"Hey, Hermione, where are your parents? Won't they miss the flight?" Ginny asked, accepting a cup from Harry. 

"They're not coming," Hermione grinned. "They're staying here for another two days and then going to Italy to 'regain their sanity,' as Mum put it." 

"It isn't a bad idea," Ginny mused. "Merlin knows you two have dealt with far too much this past week. You need time to unwind as well." 

"You're right, but I reckon we'll need time before we take another vacation. I could do with one of your mum's Sunday dinners, though-- it'll help me unwind plenty."


The flight itself had been uneventful; Ron had upgraded them to business class, claiming the relaxation would be necessary to cleanse them of the horrors of the trip, and each of the four had spent the flight enjoying the experience. 

Arriving at the airport, they collected their luggage and while Ginny went off to catch a taxi for them, Hermione offered to send a quick message to the family to let them know of their arrival. 

"So," Harry grinned, "you've met the family." 

Ron glanced around to ensure that his wife was out of earshot. "Merlin, they're absolutely despicable. I wanted to leave a few Dungbombs in their rooms, but Hermione wouldn't let me. I don't know how she puts up with them, honestly. Real bravery, right there. No wonder she's a Gryffindor, you need guts to deal with that." 

"At least it's over, yeah?"

"You've no idea how glad I am," Ron groaned. "I don't know how she turned out so amazing while growing up with people like that. I'm so lucky to have her."

"She's lucky to have you too," Ginny said, walking over. "Anyway, I've got a taxi waiting, let's hurry it up, shall we? Where's Hermione?"

"Right here," Hermione said, stowing her cell phone away in her handbag. "Just called your mum and dad, Ron. I told you installing a phone at the Burrow would come in handy." 

"You're brilliant, you are," Ron grinned, placing his arms around her shoulders. 

"Always the tone of surprise," she said, but she gave him a small smile. 

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