Day 1

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When Hermione woke up, the sun was shining cheerfully, and the birds were humming away happily, both seeming as if they were mocking her.

She groaned before shoving the covers off, and stumbling to the bathroom. Quickly taking a shower and drying off, she began the process of making herself presentable. 

First, she used a bit of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion to tame her hair, though nowadays, it wasn't as bad as before. Then, she picked out her favorite violet dress, and a pair of black heels to go with it. 

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After she had changed, she decided to fix her hair

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After she had changed, she decided to fix her hair. The potion had had enough time to work through it, so she applied a charm to make her hair curly, like the night before. 

Hermione decided to apply a light bit of makeup, and was in the process of finding the perfect lipstick shade, when she felt strong arms hug her from behind

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Hermione decided to apply a light bit of makeup, and was in the process of finding the perfect lipstick shade, when she felt strong arms hug her from behind.

"Hi," yawned a very sleepy Ron.

"Hi yourself," Hermione replied, giggling. She always loved these little moments. It was such a small gesture, yet it somehow made her feel so special. 

"You look nice today."

"Are you trying to tell me that I look hideous every other day?" she asked teasingly. 

"Yes, I'm just too afraid that you'll send those damn birds after me again," he said sarcastically. 

"I like that idea. It's nice to know that I can hold something over your head," Hermione smiled sweetly, while Ron glared at her. She laughed, and turned back to her makeup pouch.

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