Day 4 (Part 2)

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Five hours later, Hermione finally vacated the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. She was clutching a towel, and her hair was soaking wet.

"Thank Merlin," cried Ron, when he saw the door open. He was lounging on the couch, watching television, a beer in his hands. "What were you doing in there?"

Hermione grinned. "I was putting the hotel products to good use. Did you know that the suites have things like face masks? I think it was Ginny's idea."

Ron just stared at her, dumbfounded. "That took you nearly six hours?"

"Women need pampering, Ron," she declared, rubbing her hair with a towel.

Ron decided not to comment on that. Instead, he said, "You realize that we've got to leave for the stupid cruise thing in less than forty-five minutes, right?"

"Yes, and here you are, still with a beer. Go get dressed, Ron!" She commanded. Then, glancing at the drink in his hand, she added, "I think that my father's 'manly' ways must be rubbing off on you."

He gawked at her incredulously. "You were in the bathroom this whole time! I had to pee in the lobby's washroom! And for your information, Muggles are geniuses. This beer stuff is heaven... Nothing close to firewhisky, but still..."

Hermione laughed, and pointed to the bathroom. "Go! Hurry! If I'm going to show them up, we can't be late!"

"That'd be easier if you hadn't spent hours in the bathroom.. 'Pampering,' Merlin..." Ron grumbled, making his way to his destination.

Hermione continued on to the bedroom, and opened her luggage up. She rifled through it for a minute, and pulled out necessary undergarments. Putting them on the bed, she continued with her search, till she found the dress that she'd been looking for.

It was a gorgeous royal blue, with silver accents. It was spaghetti strapped, and was the empire waist style that Hermione had always admired.

She quickly shed her robe, and slipped into the dress

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She quickly shed her robe, and slipped into the dress. She knew that she was probably over-doing it, but she wanted to stand out that night. It'd be nice. Even back in school, she was always considered the type of girl who'd never wear dresses, much less one like this, but she wanted to prove everyone wrong. Hermione Granger was whoever she wanted to be.

Knowing that no one would be able to see her feet, she put on a comfortable pair of flats, thanking Merlin that at least she wouldn't have to deal with sore feet the next day from ridiculously high heels.

Finally, she turned to her makeup pouch. She picked it up gingerly, so as not to ruin her freshly manicured nails (What? She had had a lot of time to kill in that bathroom), and hurried to the mirror by the small desk in the corner.

Unfortunately, the lighting there wasn't as good as the bathroom's lighting, one of the reasons she'd avoided using the mirror there. Today, however, she'd make an exception, because she didn't have time.

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