He would never forget about you.

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Ushijima was understandably busy - there was volleyball practice and a growing mound of forgotten school work due within days of each other. You completely understood that the brunette needed time to finish his important tasks, though you had difficulty combating the greedy wish of whisking the teen away from his responsibilities. You did try your best to help out Ushijima to the best of your abilities by offering to help him with some of his work, resulting in his blunt refusal and reasoning that you could be off doing better things with your time. It was strange that the ace had told you to occupy yourself with your hobbies; ever since he came along, you could no longer do things as you used to.

"So, you're telling me that you need someone to go grocery shopping with you now? What happened to Ushijima-san?" You attempt to explain the situation the best you could to your older brother - the only person home usually - who found amusement in your struggle.

"You became that dependent on him? Gross. He probably doesn't like that anyway." You attempt to argue your brother's statement but there's something that tells you that he might be right. It had been... quite some time since you've become Ushijima's significant other and you still had some difficulty in figuring out his body language. There were times you mistook his unchanging features for something negative, most of which he denied and corrected with what he was properly thinking. You realized you valued his opinion highly and loved his feedback far too much that your dependency started to be a nuisance - you should have been more conscious.

"Well? Stop standing around and lets go already." You nod, texting Ushijima a typical short paragraph and apology before leaving.

You happened to forget your cell phone that night.


"Huh? Your girlfriend mad?" Tendou looked legitimately shocked hearing Ushijima sharing his concerns with such a straight face. The redhead tilted his head to the side before demanding to hear the sweet, sweet details of his pal and his struggles. Ushijima was really good at summarizing things within twenty words and in a single sentence.

"So... You think she's mad at you for ignoring her while catching up on homework?" Tendou found it funny really, were you that much of a petty girlfriend to be mad at him for being busy? That was just sad.

"Perhaps. I was waiting for her phone call but she's not answering." Hooo boy.

"Uh, you should talk it out with her tomorrow bud. You can't assume things." Ushijima nodded at his teammate, bowing at him for his advice, and then leaving as swiftly as he had come to ask for Tendou's thoughts. 


You didn't think you'd see Ushijima in your room and seated at your bedside looking somewhat troubled.

"Mmmh... Wakatoshi, why are you here so early?"

"_____, I would never forget about you." You stifle a yawn and force your lying form upward as you stare at Ushijima with a confused expression.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ushijima fishes for his phone, tapping on the surface before handing you the glowing object. You blink your eyes before reading through each word of the text before you.

It takes you ten seconds to realize that it was your text.

"Ah! Uh... no sorry I was..." You felt guilty for wording your desires in a bad way. It takes a moment, but you begin to explain what your message truly meant - an apology for coming out as 'too needy'. At this, Ushijima looks at you with a slightly confused expression before he asks you to explain your internal strife. You explain to him your brother's thoughts about your growing dependency on him, so much to the point that you had produced that message with an anxiety-ridden mind. You didn't want to be that kind of girlfriend.

"Ah, so it was a misunderstanding." Ushijima's form visibly relaxes as you share your thoughts, though you don't expect him to scoot closer to wrap his arms around your waist.

"I thought I might have angered you." Ushijima says those words loud enough to reach only your ears as you slowly wrap your arms in return around his shoulders.

"No, I'm just greedy." A moment of silence and you can hear the sound of Ushijima's thudding heart. You found it endearing that though he didn't outwardly display his panic, his heart said enough for him.

"Just because I have a lot of things to do doesn't ever mean that I can never make time for you." With this statement, Ushijima holds your head in his hands as he stares at you with his eyes drowning in yours. "Do you truly think I'd prioritize those types of things over you? I can only have a person like you in my life once." The heat in your cheeks grow as you don't realize the teen leaning in.

"I would never forget about you, you know quite well how important you are to me."

The closeness of Ushijima's face was enough to make you relax before you lean into him to enjoy his presence. His arms take your form as his chest covers your smaller figure against his in a full embrace.

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