Our Little Reunion (In A Hotel Room)

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Spring break is here and I'm spending it with my family, as always. But this year, we're going back to the Philippines to visit my family back there. Another family, the Legaspi's, my mom's cousin's family, will join us in going back to our mother land.

I wanted to spend my spring break with Lauren actually, but my family has been planning to go there for months. And we're all pretty excited. We'll be there for 10 days. Half of the day will be spent in Bohol, a city in Visayas. Visayas is in the middle part of the Philippines. We'll be there with my mom's cousin's family.

"Babe, is there really no other way we can meet?" Lauren asked me through Facetime. I was currently checking my things to see if they're all packed already. I checked to see my passport and all that.

I stopped for a while and looked at Lauren sadly. "Laur, I told you already. On the days that you'll be in the Philippines, you'll be in Manila. I'll be in Bohol. That's an hour plane ride away. Sorry, babe. We can't," I smiled sadly at her. They're currently doing their Asia Tour and they'll be in the Philippines for 5 days actually. Lauren wants to wander around the country I lived in for the first 13 years of my life and Dinah for some reason really loves the Philippines.

"But, baby! It's your birthday! We have to meet up! It's also the only time you'll be available-ish. It's your Spring Break, Y/N. That only happens once a year. And we won't see each other in a few more weeks. Can't we figure something out? Please?" she asked me with sad eyes. I forgot to mention that my birthday is on March 29 and the Bohol trip is actually a part of my birthday gift from the family.

"Baby, I'm really sorry. Unless you want to fly to Bohol after your concert in Manila, then sure. But I can't leave my family, you know? It's supposed to be a bonding time. And as much as I would love to spend my time with you, I can't I'm so sorry, babe."

She let out a groan and changed the subject.


Once we landed, I suddenly found all of this really familiar. My cousin (2nd cousin) Matthew, who was one year old, actually slept through the whole flight which was amazing. We didn't want to wake anyone up. It was a 15 hour flight from America to the Philippines.

Once we got our bags, we looked for my Auntie Jan and her husband Uncle Ricky because they we're picking my family up. Auntie Jan's twin sister would be the one to pick Auntie Norin and her family up. Auntie Noreen is my mom's cousin. Auntie Jan and her twin sister are my mom's sisters. They're 5 girls in all.

I decided to tell Lauren that we arrived because she kept on reminding me to tell her once we get off the plane. I called her she answered immediately.

"Hi, baby! How was the flight? You know you're like, 2 hours away right? Well with a plane. With a boat it would be 2 days, I think. But hi!" Lauren greeted me.

I smiled even though she can't see me. "Hi! The flight was okay, it wasn't bumpy or anything. I was so happy when Matthew actually slept the whole time because I didn't want to bother anyone with a crying baby. You know how annoying that is right? But yeah. How are you though?" I asked her. I have no idea how our phones are actually working right now. My dad probably fixed mine up and Lauren probably already has hers fixed or maybe we're just paying so much for this call. I don't know how these work.

"Y/N/N! I haven't seen you for so long! Oh my gosh, you're so big already! Oh! Who are you talking to? Is that your girlfriend?" Auntie Jan asked me in Filipino. I nodded to her question. "Oh, can I talk to her?" she asked again.

"But, why?" I asked her. She stared at me, making me actually give her my phone, without warning Lauren about what's about to happen.

"Hi! I'm Y/N's Auntie Jan, her mom's sister. You must be Lauren?"

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