Chapter 2 - The Climb

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Taking Geography for A level was one of the worst decisions I have ever made, along with choosing the banana ice cream that made me sick on my seventh birthday, and choosing not to attend my grandma's funeral.

However Geography left me with plenty of time to think, time to seriously reconsider everything about my life, the decisions I'd made, the situations I got myself into.

I found my trail of thought drifting into my current situation, the fact that I go home every night and count the good and bad things in my life, deciding which outweighs the other. I reconsider every night whether my life is really worth living, and whether my death would cause significantly more loss than joy.

This is merely because of some people throughout the school that make my life utterly miserable. Sophie was one of these people, Cai Bradley, one of the main members of the wolf pack, and Daniel Lewis,  a member of the wolf pack that had mistreated me since I was little.

The Geography lesson had been deadly boring, so boring that I was happy when the bell that signalled break came. I happily left the walls covered in enormous maps, the monotone voice of my elderly teacher and books full of work in the classroom, to stride out with Ellie and....walk straight into Dan.

He didn't apologise, but looked me in the eyes darkly, and shoved me aside with his shoulder, his extra inch of height and strong arms providing him with the power he needed to send me and my books flying over the now packed corridor.

"Watch where you're going idiot!" Ellie screamed outraged, shoving him forward in order to help me up.

I looked shocked that she stood up for me, however he merely chuckled at her attempt to be scary, effortlessly brushing her away like a leaf from a path.

I didn't say a word,  but just stared into those blue orbs. I remember when they resembled a clear summer sky in my memory, but now all I see is a raging storm of hatred.

He scowled, walked along the corridor, and joined the remainder of his pack. The howling restarted,  they really were wild animals. I hated them all, and what they'd done to Dan.

I started walking backwards, my eyes still on of the boys ruffled his hair and I could see he'd snapped at them. What was up with him and his mood swings? I don't care, I can't care.

I turned around quickly, prying my eyes from Dan. He was bad news. I continued to turn and found Ellie staring at me...She was talking? To me? I'd spaced out again...

"Leah, Leah, LEAH!" she was yelling for my attention by now.


"I said let's go", I looked cluelessly at her. "Break's over, move that skinny butt of yours to math, I've got art, but I'll meet you in our normal place".

Great, I loved math! I don't care, it challenged me, and it was the only subject that actually made me think hard.

I made the climb to the top of the stairs where my math class was held. My thighs were on fire by the end, I mean, which smartass architect designed that? I personally want to hurt them.

I slipped into my seat at the back, just the way I like to be, unnoticed. Apart from Cai Bradley who sat in front of me, who looked up and glared at me. What had I done to make them hate me so much?

The teacher began to explain the work, but my mind has drifted back to his eyes. The clarity of the blue recalling memories....


I looked around at the beauty that totally surrounded me. Strolling down the thin forest path I glanced up and gaped in awe at the sun shining straight through the clusters of green leaves. I looked down at the collection of flowers scattered by my feet, and inhaled truly at peace as the sun beamed down at me, warming my back.

I glanced at the hand holding mine, warming my insides and turning them to jelly. I looked up at his face which was intently watching our entwined hands. His eyes flickered up to meet mine, and he leant in to kiss me. This was perfect, I had James as a boyfriend, I was with my friends, it was a happy day.

James' lips were familiar with mine, and yet again we fell into the pattern that was by now regular. A xough disturbed us, and I looked up to see my friends waiting for us by the side of the river running through the forest...oh right, we came here to swim.

Ellie and Chelsea looked away, but Dan's glare remained constant,  burning holes into us. I looked down, embarrassed, I should really get in to the river. I tore my hand away from James' strong grasp and ran to the edge of the river to be with my friends.

My shorts and t-shirt were removed, revealing my pink bikini underneath.  I plunged into the water, the cold water shocking me. Everyone laughed, apart from Dan, his blue eyes misting with an emotion I couldn't quite read.

James ran in behind me, grabbed my waist and flung me into the air. Yelping, he caught me, and we kissed again. This time it was Ellie who disturbed the kiss, splashing us both. And then the greatest water fight of the summer began.

I smiled at the memory, and them remembered the look Dan gave me that day. I decided it was best to forget that memory, it was too painful, even after all this time.

Thanks for reading, I hope this chapter is what you guys hoped for and that you enjoyed reading. The story will become more clear to you as it goes on, so please continue to bear with me and you'll see the plot thicken! Mwahahahaaa!

Just saying, made this chapter way longer for you all! Thanks for the votes, please share the story with your friends! Continue to vote,  amd comments would be great too! What do you want to happen in the story? What are your predictions?

One more thing! This is important! Please go and read Perfect to Me - morgan556 The story looks really promising!

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