Chapter 4 - Vomit

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"It was totally ridiculous, " I told Ellie, "you should have seen Cai's face! It totally looked like I'd slapped him".

I imitated his reaction only to cause an uncontrollable laughter from Ellie.

As we sat at our usual table in the canteen, I couldn't help myself but giggle, but then those eyes returned to me. They were haunting me.

"What's wrong?" asked Ellie, noticing my sudden change instantly.

"Dan, he's just being so cruel and cold towards me, and I honestly don't know what I've done!"

"Look, even when Dan was friends with us before his big break, we could never really understand his drastic mood swings."

The reminder of our betrayal stung like salt in a wound, and caused me to suck in a sharp breath. Ellie looked panicked for a second,  unsure of what to say. This was a rare occasion for her.

"I know he hurt you most Le, I know, and he sucks for it. Just remember all the things he's done wrong, make a list," she glanced at me encouraging me to begin. "Okay, I'll start, he left you for-"

But I couldn't continue for two reasons:

1. I could only think of the good things he had done.

2. Thinking of him with Louise made my blood boil and my tears raise, so I had to concentrate on willing my body to calm down.

"Not a good idea? Right, I'll shut up now..." she trailed off, leaving me with my thoughts.

When she returned, I couldn't even recollect where she had gone. Instead of trying to gather my thoughts, I focused on getting his glassy eyes out of my mind as I began to devour the muffin. How could he hate me that much when I did nothing to him, and how could I still be heartbroken over someone who merely left me for another?


My food sat untouched on the cafeteria table. I felt sick, there was no way I could eat! Scott could see that I was upset about something, but being a guy, this wasn't something we could comfortably talk about.

"You alright Dan?" he attempted.

Cai answered for me.

"He's fine, she's just something he has to get over" he said with a snap, but his anger was aimed at me, not at Scott.

The conversation came to a close, and Scott didn't press any further. I was left alone again in my torturous thoughts.

Two things dawned on me:

1.Cai knew me very well.

2. I was not ready to get over her.

Seeing Leah today, staring at me with the same longing in her hazel eyes that I felt for her inside. How could she feel longing for me after totally ignoring me! She didn't have the right to pretend she wanted me and getting my hopes up after blindly leaving me despite my endless voice mails and messages that I sent her over the summer.

I hated how much we'd drifted apart, she was literally on the tip of my fingers, and I was snatching, and reaching and then I was falling. I'd tried so hard for a relationship with her, and when it all fell apart, I practically, and shamefully ran to Louise.

The name gave me shivers now, why had she been my comfort? She could easily give children nightmares! The guilt was rising from my stomach, suffocating me, I thought I was going to be sick. I got up, and ran to the toilets, but then I saw Leah crying to Ellie.

I leaped towards her, desperate to wrap her in my arms and apologise. The sick had returned to my stomach, but then she noticed me, and turned away. I tapped her back, I needed to make this right. She could be mine right now, but I'd lost her. The bile raised in my throat, threatening to spill out. And then it did. Just as she turned around. Shit.


I could see Dan approaching, so I had to turn away. Maybe 6 months ago, he would be approaching to smother me in kisses. The thought made me smile through my tears,  but then there was a tap on my back, tearing me back to the reality where Dan left me.

I turned around to be covered in his sick. Ellie threw a punch at his face, and he crumpled to the floor. a shocked gasp left my mouth, and Ellie had to drag me away. I was in shock. Sticky, smelly shock. Everyone was watching now, and I could feel their eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

Ellie rushed us to the girls toilets, and opened the door. We walked straight into Sophie. Dang it!

The next thing I heard was the click of her phone camera, and I knew I'd be viral by tomorrow.

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